How to use this application
Introduction page
This dashboard visualizes immigrant mobility data derived from the Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).
The IMDB combines administrative files on immigrant admissions from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) with tax files from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). For more information on the IMDB, please refer to the IMDB Technical Report.
The IMDB is the result of a partnership between Statistics Canada, IRCC, and the provinces.
Instructions page
- Where: Select the geography of interest
Users can choose their geography of admission from the filter found in the top left corner of the dashboard. The dashboard will then display information on immigrant mobility for that geography. The darker the blue on the map, the higher the proportion of immigrant taxfilers!
- Who: Select the cohort of interest
Using the filters at the top of the dashboard and the sliders at the bottom of the dashboard, users can define their cohort of interest across multiple dimensions, such as:
- immigrant admission category
- age and sex
- knowledge of official languages at admission
- pre-admission experience
- admission year, and
- years since admission
- How: Select how the data is displayed
By using the buttons in the bottom left and bottom right, users can select what they would like to be visualized. Try hovering on the map to see additional data!
For additional information about the data, how to manipulate it, or how to visualize it, use the yellow HELP button in the bottom left corner.
Help page
Geography of admission Help
Select the geography of admission of interest here.
Mobility indicators / geography of residence help
This table displays mobility indicators or geography of residence data. By utilizing the buttons below, users can switch between the mobility indicators and the geography of residence of the selected cohort.
Mobility indicators represent the mobility characteristics of a selected cohort from a particular geography of admission. Geography of residence indicates the province or territory in which the tax filer is resident on December 31st of the tax year.
Total residence represents the number of immigrant taxfilers in a given tax year in the specified province. (Total residence = Stayed in intended province + In migration)
Stayed in intended province represents the number of immigrant taxfilers continuing their residence from the province of destination. (Geography of residence of Canada = Stayed in intended province + Out migration)
Out migration represents the number of immigrant taxfilers originating from the specified province and filing tax in another province.
In migration represents the number of immigrants originating from a difference province of destination and filing tax in the specified province.
Retention rate represents the percentage of immigrant taxfilers continuing their residence from the province of destination. This does not take into account immigrants migrating in from another province of destination.
Interprovincial out migration rate represents the percentage of immigrant taxfilers originating from the specified province and filing tax in another province.
Interprovincial in migration rate represents the percentage of immigrants originating from a different province of destination and filing tax in the specified province.
Mobility indicators / geography of residence button help
Users can use these button to visualize mobility indicators or the geography of residence of the selected cohort.
Filter help
These drop down menus help users filter for their population of interest. There are five variables to choose from:
Immigrant admission category refers to the category under which immigrants are admitted to Canada by immigration authorities.
Age group at taxation year and sex refers to the age as indicated on the T1 Family File (T1FF) for a given tax year and the sex as indicated on the immigrant’s application.
Knowledge of official languages at admission refers to the self-declared indicators of an immigrant’s knowledge of an official language at the time of admission.
Pre-admission experience refers to the presence of any temporary resident permits held by an immigrant before their permanent residency.
Other not stated cases may be included in totals but not shown as a category.
For more information, please refer to the IMDB Technical Report.
Map help
This map displays the distribution of geography of residence for immigrant taxfilers.
The Geography of residence indicates the province or territory in which the tax filer is resident on December 31st of the tax year.
The Geography of admission (filter, top left) is the province of intended destination at admission.
Try hovering over the map to see more details! When a variable is selected using the buttons on the right, the map displays a pie chart for that variable. If a geography is selected using the map, it is displayed in the pie chart to the right. Then, users can compare distributions from geography to geography using the hover feature!
Filter at bottom Help
These dropdown menus help users to select the timeframe of interest.
Select the Admission Year on the left, which is the year in which the immigrant first obtained his or her landed immigrant/permanent resident status. This may or may not be the same as the year of arrival.
Select the Years since admission on the right, which refers to how many years have passed between an immigrant's admission year and a given tax year. It is calculated as Tax Year subtracted by Admission year. For example, if the year of admission is 2013 and years since admission is 5, the information displayed is for immigrants who were admitted in 2013 who filed taxes in 2018.
Pie chart help
This chart displays a pie chart distribution for the variable selected using the buttons below.
If users select a particular category on the pie chart, it will be represented on the map and in the box containing the mobility indicators/geography of residence data. A matching chart will appear when users hover over a geography on the map!