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  • Journals and periodicals: 13-015-X
    Description: This report contains descriptive analysis of the size, scope and nature of Canada's nonprofit sector in economic terms, statistical tables and information on the concepts, and data sources and methods used to compile the estimates.
    Release date: 2009-12-21

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-571-X
    Geography: Canada

    This report provides an overview of the first available data on business fraud in Canada focusing on businesses in the retail, banking and insurance sectors. Data used in this report are from the Survey of Fraud against Businesses, 2007-2008. The Survey of Fraud against Businesses provides national-level data on the prevalence and types of fraud experienced, how businesses respond to incidents of fraud, the monetary and non-monetary costs of fraud and fraud detection and prevention practices.

    Release date: 2009-12-10

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-634-X

    The Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) provides an extensive set of data about Aboriginal (Métis, Inuit, and off-reserve First Nations) children under 6 years of age in urban, rural, and northern locations across Canada. The Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) was designed to provide a picture of the early development of Aboriginal children and the social and living conditions in which they are learning and growing.

    The survey was developed by Statistics Canada and Aboriginal advisors from across the country and was conducted jointly with Human Resources and Social Development Canada.

    Release date: 2009-11-25

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-599-M
    Geography: Canada

    This research paper series addresses many topics related to children and youth in Canada, including: cognitive, physical and emotional development; health; behaviour; relationships with others; experiences in the home, at school and at work; family change; and transitions to adulthood. The main data source for the papers in this series is the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth.

    Release date: 2009-09-25

  • Articles and reports: 11-536-X

    On October 31 and November 1, 2007, Statistics Canada held a special methodology conference in honour of Professor Carl-Erik Särndal entitled Workshop on Calibration and Estimation in Surveys (WCES). The workshop focused on diverse aspects of Professor Särndal's career - his work, teachings and writings having had a profound affect on the way methodologists carry out their daily duties, both here and abroad. He was a consultant to Statistics Canada for many years and is a member of the Advisory Committee on Statistical Methods. Professor Särndal's deep and lasting influence in this field earned him the 2007 Waksberg Award, one of the most prestigious honours a statistician can receive in recognition of his or her work in survey sampling statistics.

    Release date: 2009-08-11

  • Journals and periodicals: 71-542-X
    Geography: Canada

    This report offers highlights from the 2007 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering, and Participating (CSGVP) which was undertaken to better understand how Canadians support individuals and communities on their own or through their involvement with charitable and non-profit organizations. For this survey, thousands of Canadians aged 15 and over were asked how they: gave money and other resources to individuals and to organizations; volunteered time to help others and to enhance their communities; and participated in the practices which help give substance to active citizenship. The results from this survey allow this report to tell a story about who Canada's volunteers and charitable donors are and the ways in which they contribute to our society.

    Release date: 2009-06-08

  • Journals and periodicals: 18-504-X
    Geography: Province or territory
    Description: Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis (RSGA) of the Agriculture Division prepared a series of maps and statistics that show the progression of the 2009 Red River valley flood in Manitoba for the spring of 2009. Starting with an image acquired on March 31, the maps were produced from the analysis of Radarsat-2 satellite image data integrated with 2006 Census of Agriculture data and census geography boundary files. From this analysis, the total area of flooded agriculture land and the number of farmers affected were calculated. A comparison is made with the 1997 flood that occurred in the same region.
    Release date: 2009-05-11

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-600-X
    Geography: Canada

    To understand the degree to which the supply of workers in health occupations is meeting (and will meet) the health needs of Canadians, Health Canada asked Statistics Canada to study the relationship between education and training and the supply of professionals into health occupations. This series of fact sheets highlights, in summary form, key information relating to the education and training of workers in health and related occupations in Canada.

    Release date: 2009-05-01

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-004-X
    Geography: Canada

    This report introduces the Crime Severity Index, a new tool for measuring police-reported crime in Canada that for the first time tracks changes in the severity of crime, not just volume.The report also examines how crime is measured in Canada, as well as recent improvements to statistics on crime that are gathered from the police.

    Release date: 2009-04-21

  • Journals and periodicals: 91-550-X
    Geography: Canada

    This is an analytical report on Services to Official-Language Minorities by Health Professionals. This report explores the availability of health professionals who can work in either official language to serve the needs of official language minorities and compares the number of those professionals with the distribution of minority and majority populations in each region of the country.

    Release date: 2009-04-20
Stats in brief (0)

Stats in brief (0) (0 results)

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Articles and reports (1)

Articles and reports (1) ((1 result))

  • Articles and reports: 11-536-X

    On October 31 and November 1, 2007, Statistics Canada held a special methodology conference in honour of Professor Carl-Erik Särndal entitled Workshop on Calibration and Estimation in Surveys (WCES). The workshop focused on diverse aspects of Professor Särndal's career - his work, teachings and writings having had a profound affect on the way methodologists carry out their daily duties, both here and abroad. He was a consultant to Statistics Canada for many years and is a member of the Advisory Committee on Statistical Methods. Professor Särndal's deep and lasting influence in this field earned him the 2007 Waksberg Award, one of the most prestigious honours a statistician can receive in recognition of his or her work in survey sampling statistics.

    Release date: 2009-08-11
Journals and periodicals (10)

Journals and periodicals (10) ((10 results))

  • Journals and periodicals: 13-015-X
    Description: This report contains descriptive analysis of the size, scope and nature of Canada's nonprofit sector in economic terms, statistical tables and information on the concepts, and data sources and methods used to compile the estimates.
    Release date: 2009-12-21

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-571-X
    Geography: Canada

    This report provides an overview of the first available data on business fraud in Canada focusing on businesses in the retail, banking and insurance sectors. Data used in this report are from the Survey of Fraud against Businesses, 2007-2008. The Survey of Fraud against Businesses provides national-level data on the prevalence and types of fraud experienced, how businesses respond to incidents of fraud, the monetary and non-monetary costs of fraud and fraud detection and prevention practices.

    Release date: 2009-12-10

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-634-X

    The Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) provides an extensive set of data about Aboriginal (Métis, Inuit, and off-reserve First Nations) children under 6 years of age in urban, rural, and northern locations across Canada. The Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS) was designed to provide a picture of the early development of Aboriginal children and the social and living conditions in which they are learning and growing.

    The survey was developed by Statistics Canada and Aboriginal advisors from across the country and was conducted jointly with Human Resources and Social Development Canada.

    Release date: 2009-11-25

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-599-M
    Geography: Canada

    This research paper series addresses many topics related to children and youth in Canada, including: cognitive, physical and emotional development; health; behaviour; relationships with others; experiences in the home, at school and at work; family change; and transitions to adulthood. The main data source for the papers in this series is the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth.

    Release date: 2009-09-25

  • Journals and periodicals: 71-542-X
    Geography: Canada

    This report offers highlights from the 2007 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering, and Participating (CSGVP) which was undertaken to better understand how Canadians support individuals and communities on their own or through their involvement with charitable and non-profit organizations. For this survey, thousands of Canadians aged 15 and over were asked how they: gave money and other resources to individuals and to organizations; volunteered time to help others and to enhance their communities; and participated in the practices which help give substance to active citizenship. The results from this survey allow this report to tell a story about who Canada's volunteers and charitable donors are and the ways in which they contribute to our society.

    Release date: 2009-06-08

  • Journals and periodicals: 18-504-X
    Geography: Province or territory
    Description: Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis (RSGA) of the Agriculture Division prepared a series of maps and statistics that show the progression of the 2009 Red River valley flood in Manitoba for the spring of 2009. Starting with an image acquired on March 31, the maps were produced from the analysis of Radarsat-2 satellite image data integrated with 2006 Census of Agriculture data and census geography boundary files. From this analysis, the total area of flooded agriculture land and the number of farmers affected were calculated. A comparison is made with the 1997 flood that occurred in the same region.
    Release date: 2009-05-11

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-600-X
    Geography: Canada

    To understand the degree to which the supply of workers in health occupations is meeting (and will meet) the health needs of Canadians, Health Canada asked Statistics Canada to study the relationship between education and training and the supply of professionals into health occupations. This series of fact sheets highlights, in summary form, key information relating to the education and training of workers in health and related occupations in Canada.

    Release date: 2009-05-01

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-004-X
    Geography: Canada

    This report introduces the Crime Severity Index, a new tool for measuring police-reported crime in Canada that for the first time tracks changes in the severity of crime, not just volume.The report also examines how crime is measured in Canada, as well as recent improvements to statistics on crime that are gathered from the police.

    Release date: 2009-04-21

  • Journals and periodicals: 91-550-X
    Geography: Canada

    This is an analytical report on Services to Official-Language Minorities by Health Professionals. This report explores the availability of health professionals who can work in either official language to serve the needs of official language minorities and compares the number of those professionals with the distribution of minority and majority populations in each region of the country.

    Release date: 2009-04-20

  • Journals and periodicals: 89-639-X
    Geography: Canada

    Beginning in late 2006, the Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division of Statistics Canada embarked on the process of review of questions used in the Census and in surveys to produce data about Aboriginal peoples (North American Indian, Métis and Inuit). This process is essential to ensure that Aboriginal identification questions are valid measures of contemporary Aboriginal identification, in all its complexity. Questions reviewed included the following (from the Census 2B questionnaire):- the Ethnic origin / Aboriginal ancestry question;- the Aboriginal identity question;- the Treaty / Registered Indian question; and- the Indian band / First Nation Membership question.

    Additional testing was conducted on Census questions with potential Aboriginal response options: the population group question (also known as visible minorities), and the Religion question. The review process to date has involved two major steps: regional discussions with data users and stakeholders, and qualitative testing. The regional discussions with over 350 users of Aboriginal data across Canada were held in early 2007 to examine the four questions used on the Census and other surveys of Statistics Canada. Data users included National Aboriginal organizations, Aboriginal Provincial and Territorial Organizations, Federal, Provincial and local governments, researchers and Aboriginal service organizations. User feedback showed that main areas of concern were data quality, undercoverage, the wording of questions, and the importance of comparability over time.

    Release date: 2009-04-17
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