Employment and unemployment
Key indicators
Selected geographical area: Canada
20,993,0000.4%(monthly change)
6.6%-0.1 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Canada
$1,285.915.0%(12-month change)
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Canada
(2021 Census of Population)27.7% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Canada
(2016 Census of Population)49.8% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Canada
(2016 Census of Population)5.9% -
Selected geographical area: Newfoundland and Labrador
243,000-0.0%(monthly change)
10.6%0.1 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Newfoundland and Labrador
$1,273.605.2%(12-month change)
Participation rate for the population aged 25 to 54 years - Newfoundland and Labrador
(2021 Census of Population)82.6% -
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Newfoundland and Labrador
(2021 Census of Population)3.6% -
Workers using more than one language regularly at work - Newfoundland and Labrador
(2021 Census of Population)1.5% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Newfoundland and Labrador
(2016 Census of Population)47.2% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Newfoundland and Labrador
(2016 Census of Population)3.9% -
% of workers using English or French at work - Newfoundland and Labrador
(2016 Census of Population)99.9% -
% of workers using more than one language at work - Newfoundland and Labrador
(2016 Census of Population)1.9%
Selected geographical area: Prince Edward Island
94,000-0.3%(monthly change)
7.2%-1.3 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Prince Edward Island
$1,093.986.5%(12-month change)
Participation rate for the population aged 25 to 54 years - Prince Edward Island
(2021 Census of Population)88.8% -
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Prince Edward Island
(2021 Census of Population)9.5% -
Workers using more than one language regularly at work - Prince Edward Island
(2021 Census of Population)4.0% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Prince Edward Island
(2016 Census of Population)51.7% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Prince Edward Island
(2016 Census of Population)6.5% -
% of workers using more than one language at work - Prince Edward Island
(2016 Census of Population)5.2%
Selected geographical area: Nova Scotia
527,000-0.1%(monthly change)
5.9%-0.4 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Nova Scotia
$1,151.325.2%(12-month change)
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Nova Scotia
(2021 Census of Population)9.3% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Nova Scotia
(2016 Census of Population)51.9% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Nova Scotia
(2016 Census of Population)5.2% -
Selected geographical area: New Brunswick
403,0000.7%(monthly change)
6.4%-1.3 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: New Brunswick
$1,162.333.9%(12-month change)
Participation rate for the population aged 25 to 54 years - New Brunswick
(2021 Census of Population)85.5% -
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - New Brunswick
(2021 Census of Population)7.4% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - New Brunswick
(2016 Census of Population)51.7% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - New Brunswick
(2016 Census of Population)4.3% -
Selected geographical area: Quebec
4,636,0000.3%(monthly change)
5.4%-0.2 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Quebec
$1,229.183.8%(12-month change)
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Quebec
(2021 Census of Population)19.2% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Quebec
(2016 Census of Population)48.4% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Quebec
(2016 Census of Population)3.9% -
Selected geographical area: Ontario
8,240,0000.5%(monthly change)
7.6%0.1 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Ontario
$1,329.437.1%(12-month change)
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Ontario
(2021 Census of Population)34.2% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Ontario
(2016 Census of Population)51.8% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Ontario
(2016 Census of Population)6.4% -
Selected geographical area: Manitoba
731,0000.3%(monthly change)
6.1%-0.1 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Manitoba
$1,151.581.0%(12-month change)
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Manitoba
(2021 Census of Population)26.6% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Manitoba
(2016 Census of Population)51.7% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Manitoba
(2016 Census of Population)7.4% -
Selected geographical area: Saskatchewan
606,000-0.3%(monthly change)
5.4%-0.6 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Saskatchewan
$1,232.505.4%(12-month change)
Participation rate for the population aged 25 to 54 years - Saskatchewan
(2021 Census of Population)85.2% -
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Saskatchewan
(2021 Census of Population)18.3% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Saskatchewan
(2016 Census of Population)51.3% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Saskatchewan
(2016 Census of Population)9.8% -
Selected geographical area: Alberta
2,568,000-0.2%(monthly change)
6.7%0.0 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Alberta
$1,344.473.4%(12-month change)
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Alberta
(2021 Census of Population)29.4% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Alberta
(2016 Census of Population)49.5% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Alberta
(2016 Census of Population)9.3% -
Selected geographical area: British Columbia
2,944,0000.8%(monthly change)
6.0%0.1 pts(monthly change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: British Columbia
$1,290.384.5%(12-month change)
Participation rate for the population aged 25 to 54 years - British Columbia
(2021 Census of Population)85.4% -
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - British Columbia
(2021 Census of Population)33.1% -
Workers using more than one language regularly at work - British Columbia
(2021 Census of Population)6.4% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - British Columbia
(2016 Census of Population)45.3% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - British Columbia
(2016 Census of Population)5.7% -
Selected geographical area: Yukon
$1,471.774.9%(12-month change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Yukon
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Yukon
(2021 Census of Population)17.3% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Yukon
(2016 Census of Population)49.9% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Yukon
(2016 Census of Population)10.3% -
Selected geographical area: Northwest Territories
$1,988.5426.8%(12-month change)
Participation rate for the population aged 25 to 54 years - Northwest Territories
(2021 Census of Population)83.0%
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Northwest Territories
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Northwest Territories
(2021 Census of Population)14.7% -
Workers using more than one language regularly at work - Northwest Territories
(2021 Census of Population)6.0% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Northwest Territories
(2016 Census of Population)53.9% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Northwest Territories
(2016 Census of Population)17.0% -
% of workers using more than one language at work - Northwest Territories
(2016 Census of Population)9.8%
Selected geographical area: Nunavut
$1,763.697.9%(12-month change)
More employment and unemployment indicators
Selected geographical area: Nunavut
Percentage of immigrants in the labour force aged 25 to 54 years - Nunavut
(2021 Census of Population)6.8% -
Proportion of adults aged 25 to 54 years who worked full year full time in 2015 - Nunavut
(2016 Census of Population)40.4% -
Proportion of adults aged 65 years and over who worked full year full time in 2015 - Nunavut
(2016 Census of Population)20.2% -
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Search HelpKeyword(s)
Survey or statistical program
- Selected: Labour Force Survey (1)
- Census of Population (1)
- Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (1)
- Selected: National Graduates Survey (1)
- Selected: Postsecondary Student Information System (1)
- Programme for International Student Assessment (1)
- Selected: National Household Survey (1)
All (1)
All (1) ((1 result))
- Articles and reports: 89-503-X201500114640Description:
Women have become increasingly well-educated, and today their share in the Canadian labour market is larger than ever. This chapter of Women in Canada examines women’s educational experiences, with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics and computer science) education and skills. Topics include a profile of women’s education in Canada, the skills of young girls and women, field-of-study patterns at the postsecondary level, and labour market outcomes, including earnings.
Release date: 2016-07-06
Data (0)
Data (0) (0 results)
No content available at this time.
Analysis (1)
Analysis (1) ((1 result))
- Articles and reports: 89-503-X201500114640Description:
Women have become increasingly well-educated, and today their share in the Canadian labour market is larger than ever. This chapter of Women in Canada examines women’s educational experiences, with a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics and computer science) education and skills. Topics include a profile of women’s education in Canada, the skills of young girls and women, field-of-study patterns at the postsecondary level, and labour market outcomes, including earnings.
Release date: 2016-07-06
Reference (0)
Reference (0) (0 results)
No content available at this time.
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How does the search work?
This search looks for results that have your query term in the title, description, subject, geography, product number or other information about the product.
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Sort help
How are the results ordered?
The Sort by feature provides four options:
- By date – sorts results by product release date starting with the most recent.
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- By relevance is only needed or beneficial when you use the search box and submit a search query. Results are ordered by a combination of where the search term appears in the content, e.g., if it appears in the title, it likely means the product is more relevant to your search; how up to date or new the content in the product is; how popular the product is; and other factors.
- By title – sorts results alphabetically.