Education indicators

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All (6)

All (6) ((6 results))

  • Table: 81-582-X
    Description: The Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) draws from a wide variety of data sources to provide information on the school-age population, elementary, secondary and...
    Release date: 2024-10-22

  • Table: 37-10-0129-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Percentage of the population aged 0 to 24 in low income, by age group and type of living arrangement. This table is included in Section A: A portrait of the school-age population: Low...
    Release date: 2024-10-22

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81-582-G
    Description: This handbook complements the tables of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP). It is a guide that provides general descriptions for each indicator and indicator...
    Release date: 2024-03-28

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-599-X
    Geography: Canada
    Description: The fact sheets in this series provide an "at-a-glance" overview of particular aspects of education in Canada and summarize key data trends in selected tables published as part of the...
    Release date: 2023-06-21

  • Table: 81-604-X
    Description: This report is a product of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP). It is intended to facilitate the comparison of educational systems in Canada's provinces and...
    Release date: 2020-12-14

  • Stats in brief: 81-599-X2009004

    This fact sheet provides information on the proportion of the school-age population - defined as children and youth aged 5 to 24 - living in low-income circumstances, including the...

    Release date: 2009-12-16
Data (3)

Data (3) ((3 results))

  • Table: 81-582-X
    Description: The Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) draws from a wide variety of data sources to provide information on the school-age population, elementary, secondary and...
    Release date: 2024-10-22

  • Table: 37-10-0129-01
    Geography: Canada, Province or territory
    Frequency: Occasional
    Description: Percentage of the population aged 0 to 24 in low income, by age group and type of living arrangement. This table is included in Section A: A portrait of the school-age population: Low...
    Release date: 2024-10-22

  • Table: 81-604-X
    Description: This report is a product of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP). It is intended to facilitate the comparison of educational systems in Canada's provinces and...
    Release date: 2020-12-14
Analysis (2)

Analysis (2) ((2 results))

  • Journals and periodicals: 81-599-X
    Geography: Canada
    Description: The fact sheets in this series provide an "at-a-glance" overview of particular aspects of education in Canada and summarize key data trends in selected tables published as part of the...
    Release date: 2023-06-21

  • Stats in brief: 81-599-X2009004

    This fact sheet provides information on the proportion of the school-age population - defined as children and youth aged 5 to 24 - living in low-income circumstances, including the...

    Release date: 2009-12-16
Reference (1)

Reference (1) ((1 result))

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81-582-G
    Description: This handbook complements the tables of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP). It is a guide that provides general descriptions for each indicator and indicator...
    Release date: 2024-03-28
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