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  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202101100004

    Despite women outnumbering men in postsecondary institutions, women are considerably less likely to select the higher paying STEM fields, which could be a factor in the gender wage gap. While many studies have examined the persistent underrepresentation of women in STEM programs among postsecondary graduates, the goal of this study is to advance the Canadian evidence in three ways. First, the study distinguishes between two types of gender differences in the probability of selecting STEM-related fields in a bachelor’s degree program: those that are conditional on enrolment in a bachelor’s degree program and those that are unconditional on doing so. Second, the study highlights gender differences in specific STEM programs. Third, the study addresses the substantial sample attrition affecting longitudinal household surveys that have been used to study the issue in several previous studies. To do so, the study uses an administrative dataset that provides detailed academic performance information on students from kindergarten to Grade 12 in Canada’s third-most populous province, British Columbia.

    Release date: 2021-11-24

  • Stats in brief: 81-599-X2016011

    This fact sheet provides a portrait of international students in Canadian universities between 2004-2005 and 2013-2014, where they were studying in Canada, where they came from and in what fields they were studying.

    Release date: 2016-10-20

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2013100
    Geography: Canada

    Past research has revealed that young women are more likely to enter postsecondary programs that have lower returns in the labour market, such as the arts, humanities and social sciences. Young men, conversely, tend to enrol in and graduate from programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), which generally have greater labour market returns. Factors such as academic interests, achievement test scores, and high-school marks can affect later university program choice. Using the linked Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) - Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data, the current paper examines the relationship between mathematics and science test scores at age 15 and first program choice in university, with a focus on differences in ability in mathematics and science by gender. Generally speaking, the results reveal that the intersection of gender and ability does matter; even young women of high mathematical ability are less likely to enter STEM fields than young men of similar or even lesser mathematical ability. This implies that something other than pure ability is affecting young women's likelihood of entering STEM programs in university.

    Release date: 2013-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19970033623
    Geography: Province or territory

    This paper, which examines, pathways pursued by undergraduate degree students in Ontario, is the first of a series of articles that will be developed as a result of this research. Students who entered undergraduate programs, either bachelor's or first professional programs, in Ontario from 1980 to 1984 (entry cohort) were traced from entry until the 1992-93 academic year. As a result, students had eight or more years during which they might have completed the requirements of their programs, at either the university in which they first enrolled or another Ontario university. In particular, the age of entry, program choices, completion rate and duration of study for the entry cohort are examined in this paper. As this first paper is limited to one province, some students who did not graduate may have completed their program requirements elsewhere. Nonetheless, results presented provide useful information on students's study patterns that was previously unavailable.

    Release date: 1998-03-04

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X19950031638
    Geography: Canada

    Does graduation from a university co-op program provide advantages in the job market? A comparison of graduates of university co-op programs with their non co-op counterparts.

    Release date: 1995-09-05
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Analysis (5)

Analysis (5) ((5 results))

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202101100004

    Despite women outnumbering men in postsecondary institutions, women are considerably less likely to select the higher paying STEM fields, which could be a factor in the gender wage gap. While many studies have examined the persistent underrepresentation of women in STEM programs among postsecondary graduates, the goal of this study is to advance the Canadian evidence in three ways. First, the study distinguishes between two types of gender differences in the probability of selecting STEM-related fields in a bachelor’s degree program: those that are conditional on enrolment in a bachelor’s degree program and those that are unconditional on doing so. Second, the study highlights gender differences in specific STEM programs. Third, the study addresses the substantial sample attrition affecting longitudinal household surveys that have been used to study the issue in several previous studies. To do so, the study uses an administrative dataset that provides detailed academic performance information on students from kindergarten to Grade 12 in Canada’s third-most populous province, British Columbia.

    Release date: 2021-11-24

  • Stats in brief: 81-599-X2016011

    This fact sheet provides a portrait of international students in Canadian universities between 2004-2005 and 2013-2014, where they were studying in Canada, where they came from and in what fields they were studying.

    Release date: 2016-10-20

  • Articles and reports: 81-595-M2013100
    Geography: Canada

    Past research has revealed that young women are more likely to enter postsecondary programs that have lower returns in the labour market, such as the arts, humanities and social sciences. Young men, conversely, tend to enrol in and graduate from programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), which generally have greater labour market returns. Factors such as academic interests, achievement test scores, and high-school marks can affect later university program choice. Using the linked Youth in Transition Survey (YITS) - Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data, the current paper examines the relationship between mathematics and science test scores at age 15 and first program choice in university, with a focus on differences in ability in mathematics and science by gender. Generally speaking, the results reveal that the intersection of gender and ability does matter; even young women of high mathematical ability are less likely to enter STEM fields than young men of similar or even lesser mathematical ability. This implies that something other than pure ability is affecting young women's likelihood of entering STEM programs in university.

    Release date: 2013-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 81-003-X19970033623
    Geography: Province or territory

    This paper, which examines, pathways pursued by undergraduate degree students in Ontario, is the first of a series of articles that will be developed as a result of this research. Students who entered undergraduate programs, either bachelor's or first professional programs, in Ontario from 1980 to 1984 (entry cohort) were traced from entry until the 1992-93 academic year. As a result, students had eight or more years during which they might have completed the requirements of their programs, at either the university in which they first enrolled or another Ontario university. In particular, the age of entry, program choices, completion rate and duration of study for the entry cohort are examined in this paper. As this first paper is limited to one province, some students who did not graduate may have completed their program requirements elsewhere. Nonetheless, results presented provide useful information on students's study patterns that was previously unavailable.

    Release date: 1998-03-04

  • Articles and reports: 75-001-X19950031638
    Geography: Canada

    Does graduation from a university co-op program provide advantages in the job market? A comparison of graduates of university co-op programs with their non co-op counterparts.

    Release date: 1995-09-05
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