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  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X201000411339

    Based on data from the Labour Force Survey, this article examines trends in high school dropout rates over the 1990/1991 to 2009/2010 period. The high school dropout rate is defined as the share of 20 to 24 year-olds who are not attending school and who have not graduated from high school. In addition, national data for both Aboriginal people and immigrants are now available from the Labour Force Survey, allowing researchers to assess how dropout rates differ between these groups and the rest of the population. Finally, the article also examines trends in labour market outcomes of dropouts in terms of unemployment rates and median weekly earnings.

    Release date: 2010-11-03

  • Stats in brief: 81-599-X2010005

    This fact sheet looks at the proportion of young adults who have ever left high school without a diploma, and, among them, at the proportions who have returned to get a high school diploma and who progressed to postsecondary education. Knowing about the progress of these students helps us consider their needs and understand the value of second-chance programs.

    Release date: 2010-04-29
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Analysis (2)

Analysis (2) ((2 results))

  • Articles and reports: 81-004-X201000411339

    Based on data from the Labour Force Survey, this article examines trends in high school dropout rates over the 1990/1991 to 2009/2010 period. The high school dropout rate is defined as the share of 20 to 24 year-olds who are not attending school and who have not graduated from high school. In addition, national data for both Aboriginal people and immigrants are now available from the Labour Force Survey, allowing researchers to assess how dropout rates differ between these groups and the rest of the population. Finally, the article also examines trends in labour market outcomes of dropouts in terms of unemployment rates and median weekly earnings.

    Release date: 2010-11-03

  • Stats in brief: 81-599-X2010005

    This fact sheet looks at the proportion of young adults who have ever left high school without a diploma, and, among them, at the proportions who have returned to get a high school diploma and who progressed to postsecondary education. Knowing about the progress of these students helps us consider their needs and understand the value of second-chance programs.

    Release date: 2010-04-29
Reference (0)

Reference (0) (0 results)

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