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All (36) (0 to 10 of 36 results)

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2019018
    Description: This interactive data visualization dashboard provides an overview of correctional services programs in Canada. The dashboard features statistics on average daily counts, community and custodial admissions and the characteristics of adults and youth in the correctional system (such as age, sex and Aboriginal identity). A map is available for users to view data by province, territory or federal programs.
    Release date: 2024-03-19

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X202400100002
    Description: This Juristat article presents data and information on reconvictions among adults released from full-time custody, starting an intermittent custodial sentence, or starting a community supervision sentence across five provincial correctional programs in 2015/2016. Reconvictions were examined for up to four years, from 2015/2016 to 2018/2019. Findings are disaggregated by age, gender, criminal history and population group, including Indigenous, Black and other racialized groups. This study is based on linked data from the Canadian Correctional Services Survey, Integrated Criminal Court Survey and Canadian Vital Statistics - Death database.
    Release date: 2024-02-23

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201900100010

    This Juristat article provides a statistical overview of adults and youth admitted to and released from custody and community supervision in Canada in 2017/2018. Analysis is presented at the national as well as the provincial and territorial levels. Average counts and the incarceration rates are presented. Admissions and the characteristics of adults and youth in the correctional system (such as age, sex and Aboriginal identity) are also discussed.

    Release date: 2019-05-09

  • Articles and reports: 89-503-X201500114785

    This chapter of Women in Canada explores the criminal victimization of women and girls as well as their involvement in the criminal justice system as offenders. It covers the types of criminal victimization experienced by females over time; where possible, highlighting important differences in violent crime by Aboriginal identity, immigrant status, visible minority status and age. The use of formal and informal support services is explored, including changes over time in the use of police services. This chapter also reports trends in the number and types of crimes committed by females, along with their involvement in the criminal courts and correctional systems.

    Release date: 2017-06-06

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201700114691

    This Juristat article presents information on the short and long-term trends in the use of remand at the national and provincial/territorial levels for adults and youth. Remand is the temporary detention of a person while awaiting trial or sentencing. The analysis looks at the number of adults and youth on remand, the number of admissions of adults and youth to remand and the length of time spent in remand.

    Release date: 2017-01-10

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X201000311353
    Geography: Province or territory

    This Juristat article provides and overview of the caseload and characteristics of adults admitted to and released from correctional services in 2008/2009, and shows trends in these data from 2004/2005. The article uses data from the Adult Correctional Services (ACS) Survey and the Integrated Correctional Services Survey (ICSS), and includes analysis of the number of admissions to provincial and territorial, and federal custody (sentenced custody, remand and other temporary detention) and to community supervision (probation, conditional sentences, statutory release and parole supervision). These data are examined based on key characteristics such as age, sex, Aboriginal identity, most serious offence and length of time served. An analysis of other characteristics, such as marital status, employment and education levels, is provided for adults in custody in the jurisdictions that provided detailed data (i.e., Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Correctional Service of Canada). Furthermore, a ten-year trend in the cost of correctional services is provided along with the number of correctional institutions operating in Canada.

    Release date: 2010-10-26

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X200900210846
    Geography: Canada

    This Juristat provides an overview of young persons under correctional services, in the fifth year since the introduction of the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), which came into effect on April 1, 2003. It uses data from the Youth Custody and Community Services (YCCS) Survey and the Integrated Correctional Services Survey (ICSS) to analyze trends in admissions to and releases from correctional services including, sentenced custody, remand (pre-trial detention), probation, the community portion of a custody sentence, and deferred custody and supervision order sentence. These data are examined based on key case characteristics such as age, sex, Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal identity, most serious offence and length of time served. Data are analyzed at the provincial/territorial as well as national levels.

    Release date: 2009-05-13

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X200801010732
    Geography: Canada

    This Juristat article describes changes in the characteristics of adults admitted to custody between 2001/2002 and 2006/2007. These characteristics include median age of adults, gender, Aboriginal identity and type of offence. This report also details the short-term and long-term changes in the number of adults admitted to custody, as well as the treatment requirements of adults admitted to custody in 2006/2007.

    Release date: 2008-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X200800610593
    Geography: Canada

    The federal government and the provincial and territorial governments share the administration of correctional services in Canada, which include custody (sentenced custody, remand and other temporary detention) and community-based sentences (probation, conditional sentences) as well as statutory release and parole supervision. Correctional services agencies at both levels work toward the same goal, that is, the protection of society as well as the rehabilitation of offenders and their safe reintegration into communities as productive members.

    This Juristat reports on data from the Adult Correctional Services Survey and the Resources, Expenditures and Personnel (REP) Survey for the 2005/2006 fiscal year, and shows trends in these data from 1996/1997. It examines the number of admissions of adults to custody and community supervision, such as probation, conditional sentence and conditional release (parole and statutory release). The offences leading to the admission, the duration of the incarceration or probation, as well as some offender characteristics, such as age, sex and Aboriginal identity are also described. Furthermore, the cost of correctional services in 2005/2006, broken down by type of activity and level of government is examined. The average daily inmate costs from 1996/1997 to 2005/2006, as well as the number of correctional institutions in Canada in 2005/2006 are reported.

    Release date: 2008-06-06

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X200800510567
    Geography: Canada

    This series of reports provides detailed statistics and analysis on a variety of topics and issues concerning Canada's justice system. The annual Juristat, Adult Criminal Court Statistics, 2006/2007, summarizes trends from provincial/territorial adult criminal courts across Canada, which provided data to the Integrated Criminal Court Survey for the 2006/2007 fiscal year. In this Juristat, information is presented on the characteristics of cases and accused persons, the number of appearances, percentage of guilty cases, sentencing trends and related issues. As well, statistics are presented for a five-year period (2002/2003 through 2006/2007).

    Release date: 2008-05-20
Data (4)

Data (4) ((4 results))

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2019018
    Description: This interactive data visualization dashboard provides an overview of correctional services programs in Canada. The dashboard features statistics on average daily counts, community and custodial admissions and the characteristics of adults and youth in the correctional system (such as age, sex and Aboriginal identity). A map is available for users to view data by province, territory or federal programs.
    Release date: 2024-03-19

  • Table: 85-227-X

    This report presents indicators to measure the workload and performance of the criminal justice system, as well as indictors on a number of socio-demographic and economic factors that can be associated with crime and victimization. In this report, workload and volume measures centre on the work of the police, courts, corrections, diversion programs and victim services and changes over time. Examples of workload and volume indicators examined in this report include: the number of criminal incidents known to police; the number of people serviced by alternative measures, mediation, dispute resolution and diversion programs; the number of cases dealt with in court; average counts in corrections institutions, and; the number of persons assisted by victim service agencies. Performance indicators are organized according to the following five general goals of the criminal justice system: 1) Public order, safety and national security through prevention and intervention; 2) Offender accountability, reintegration and rehabilitation; 3) Public trust, confidence and respect for the justice system; 4) Social equity and access to the justice system for all citizens, and; 5) Victim needs served. Examples of performance indicators examined in this report are: the overall cost of administering the sectors of the criminal justice system; the type and length of sentences ordered in court; public satisfaction with the police, the courts, and the correctional and parole systems; the number of applications for legal aid, and; the number of services for victims of crime. The various socio-demographic and economic indicators included in this report are presented in order to present statistical information on the factors that can be associated with crime. These 'context of crime indicators are organized into three broad categories: Community and society, Family, and Individual. Examples of such indicators examined in this report are: the age and sex distributions of the population; income levels and labour force participation; levels of social engagement; levels of gang activity; family structures; levels of child support; levels of education; the rate of literacy, and; the rate of alcohol and drug abuse among the adult and youth population.

    Release date: 2005-12-20

  • Table: 85-211-X

    These on-line data tables provide information pertaining to services provided by governmental agencies responsible for adult corrections in each of the provincial, territorial and federal sectors. Statistical data are presented on caseload characteristics (e.g. number of admissions to correctional facilities and community supervision, age and sex of offenders, offences for which the offender is admitted to a correctional facility and probation, sentence length, time served, etc.), average counts of offenders in correctional facilities and community supervision, and resources and expenditures relating to both custodial and community supervision services. Data presented in this report cover the three most recent fiscal years.

    Release date: 2005-12-16

  • Table: 85-565-X
    Geography: Province or territory

    In 2004, as part of its General Social Survey program, Statistics Canada conducted a survey on victimization and public perceptions of crime and the justice system. It was the fourth time that the General Social Survey (GSS) had examined victimization - previous surveys were conducted in 1988, 1993, and 1999. The target population was Canadians aged 15 years and older living in the ten provinces.

    This report provides an overview of the main findings from cycle 18 of the General Social Survey on Victimization and makes comparisons with previous survey cycles. The analysis focuses on Canadians' outlook on crime and the criminal justice system, as well as their fear of crime. Variations by province are also presented.

    Release date: 2005-07-07
Analysis (32)

Analysis (32) (20 to 30 of 32 results)

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X19990078301
    Geography: Canada

    This series of reports provides detailed statistics and analysis on a variety of topics and issues concerning Canada's justice system. Annual Juristats are produced on areas such as: crime, homicide, youth and adult courts, and corrections. Additional Juristats are also produced each year on current topics of interest to the justice community. This is a unique periodical, of great interest to those who have to plan, establish, administer and evaluate justice programs and projects, or anyone who has an interest in Canada's justice system

    Release date: 1999-06-14

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X19990058300
    Geography: Canada

    This Juristat profiles three populations of inmates: women, Aboriginal people and individuals serving life sentences. These data are based on a census of adult inmates on register in all adult correctional facilities as of midnight October 5th, 1996. Data were obtained through administrative records.

    While the general population in Canada was made up almost equally of men and women, women comprised only 5% of prisoners in correctional facilities on October 5, 1996. Female inmates tended to be in their early 30s, single, with grade 9 education or less, and unemployed at the time of admission. They were considered at lower risk to re-offend than men.

    Aboriginal people were over-represented in the prison system. Although they comprised only 2% of the general adult population, they accounted for 17% of the prison population. They were younger on average than non-Aboriginal inmates, had less education and were more likely to have been unemployed. They were also considered at higher risk to re-offend, and they had a higher set of needs than non-Aboriginal inmates (including, substance abuse, employment, personal needs and family/marital needs).

    The data also showed that as of midnight October 5th, 1996, inmates serving a life sentence comprised nearly one-fifth (18%) of the nearly 13,900 inmates in federal prisons. A person can be given a life sentence if they have been convicted of offences such as first degree or second-degree murder. Parole eligibility varies from minimum ten years served to minimum 25 years served.

    Individuals serving life sentences tended to be older and less educated than others in the prison population. The median age for lifers on snapshot day was 39, compared with 33 for other inmates. More than one-half (56%) of lifers had a grade 9 education or less, compared with 44% of other inmates.

    In addition, a majority (84%) of inmates serving life sentences were considered at high risk to re-offend, a much higher proportion than the 53% of other inmates. Not surprisingly, lifers also had a higher set of needs, that is, problem areas requiring intervention, such as personal and emotional issues, marital and family problems, attitude and problems functioning in the community.

    For more information or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, or to order a copy of the Juristat, contact Information and Client Services (613-951-9023 or 1-800-387-2231), Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics.

    Release date: 1999-04-22

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X19990048299
    Geography: Canada

    This series of reports provides detailed statistics and analysis on a variety of topics and issues concerning Canada's justice system. Annual Juristats are produced on areas such as: crime, homicide, youth and adult courts, and corrections. Additional Juristats are also produced each year on current topics of interest to the justice community. This is a unique periodical, of great interest to those who have to plan, establish, administer and evaluate justice programs and projects, or anyone who has an interest in Canada's justice system.

    Release date: 1999-04-06

  • 24. Sex offenders Archived
    Articles and reports: 85-002-X19990038298
    Geography: Canada

    Over the past twenty years, there has been growing public awareness and concern about the occurrence of sexual offending and the personal and societal costs associated with these acts. There has been a gradual reduction in the stigma associated with being a victim of these crimes and, as supports for victims have developed, there has been an apparent increased willingness of victims to report these crimes to police, often long after the abuse has occurred. In many cases, the perpetrators of these crimes are in trusted positions of authority and the victims are dependent children. This Juristat presents statistical data on the prevalence of sexual offences reported to the police and the characteristics of the offenders and victims involved. It also highlights some of the salient issues associated with the response of the justice system and the public to offenders and their victims. Data sources include statistics collected by the police, courts and correctional institutions. These official sources probably represent only a small portion of all sexual offences and offenders, since results from victimization surveys suggest that as many as 90% of all sexual offences are not reported to the police. Data concerning victims of sexual offences, including information available from victimization surveys, are presented in the final section of this report.

    Release date: 1999-03-29

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-601-X
    Geography: Canada

    This study describes people who were incarcerated in federal and provincial/territorial adult facilities at midnight on October 5, 1996. A census was used to gather data on facilities, inmates and security issues.

    Release date: 1999-03-17

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X19980148295
    Geography: Canada

    During 1997-98, adult criminal courts in the nine participating jurisdictions disposed of 411,576 cases, involving 864,837 charges.

    Release date: 1998-12-17

  • Journals and periodicals: 85-544-X
    Geography: Canada

    This publication presents information on youth crime and young offenders, including rates of crime, characteristics of young offenders and their victims, youth court cases, youth corrections, and repeat offenders.

    Release date: 1998-12-15

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X19980088290
    Geography: Canada

    This series of reports provides detailed statistics and analysis on a variety of topics and issues concerning Canada's justice system. Annual Juristats are produced on areas such as: crime, homicide, youth and adult courts, and corrections. Additional Juristats are also produced each year on current topics of interest to the justice community. This is a unique periodical, of great interest to those who have to plan, establish, administer and evaluate justice programs and projects, or anyone who has an interest in Canada's justice system.

    Release date: 1998-06-04

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X19980058288
    Geography: Canada

    This series of reports provides detailed statistics and analysis on the major areas of the criminal justice system (police, courts, legal aid, prosecutions and correctional services), as well as on a variety of current topics and issues related to justice in Canada.

    Release date: 1998-03-10

  • Articles and reports: 85-002-X19980038287
    Geography: Canada

    This series of reports provides detailed statistics and analysis on the major areas of the criminal justice system (police, courts, legal aid, prosecutions and correctional services), as well as on a variety of current topics and issues related to justice in Canada.

    Release date: 1998-02-18
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