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  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024022
    Description: This interactive dashboard presents key financial data for individual municipalities and other local public administrations.
    Release date: 2024-07-26

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202400300004
    Description: Barriers to important milestones and traditional adulthood transitions have intensified in Canada. Sustained food inflation, elevated housing prices, and increasingly unaffordable rental costs across much of the country are casting a shadow over the middle-class dream for many households—and, in particular, for young families. This article provides an overview of household balance sheets and key financial metrics for young families as they adjust to current market conditions and begin to build financial resilience.
    Release date: 2024-03-27

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2022004

    This interactive dashboard presents key financial, economic and socio-economic data for individual municipalities and other local public administrations.

    Release date: 2022-07-26

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202000100004

    In the past, the Bank of Canada (the Bank) and Statistics Canada both produced aggregate measures of borrowing, or credit, for sectors of the Canadian economy. The Statistics Canada measures were on a quarterly basis as part of the National Balance Sheet Accounts (NBSA) whereas the Bank of Canada published monthly statistics. While both estimates are drawn from the same data sources and paint a similar picture of the indebtedness of Canadian households and non-financial businesses, some reconcilable differences existed in the aggregate measures. Starting in December 2020 Statistics Canada will be producing monthly estimates that will be integrated into the larger NBSA framework. This will provide users with a single and consistent set of monthly estimates that align with the internationally recognized national accounting principles detailed in the United Nations System of National Accounts This guide will serve as a review of the historical differences between each organization's credit aggregates, the conceptual and statistical changes that will occur as a result of the integration of monthly estimates within the NBSA, and a detailed overview of the methods that will be employed to estimate the outstanding credit debt of households and non-financial private corporations by lending sector.

    Release date: 2020-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X201800154949

    The Bank of Canada and Statistics Canada both produce aggregate measures of borrowing, or credit, for sectors of the Canadian economy. The Statistics Canada measures are part of the National Balance Sheet Accounts (NBSA), which cover the entire economy and directly align with the internationally recognized national accounting principles detailed in the United Nations System of National Accounts. They are available by sector as currently defined in the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts. The NBSA are created using a balance sheet approach, which involves presenting the assets and liabilities for all instruments and sectors of the economy. In other words, for each instrument all holders of financial assets must have corresponding counterparties who hold the financial liabilities, and as such, the sum of these are equal in the aggregate. The Bank of Canada’s data are presented based on the issuer of credit, i.e., the holder of the financial assets, and do not display liabilities.

    Release date: 2018-03-15

  • Table: 61-008-X

    This publication presents, on a quarterly basis, balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in financial position and ratio data for the last five quarters. It covers 22 financial and non-financial sectors and their totals at the Canada level. The industry breakdowns are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS 2012).

    Release date: 2016-03-22

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X201500114141

    This article describes the major series and trends in the balance sheet and financial flows of the general government and government business enterprises for the period 2007 to 2012 according to the Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS) framework.

    Release date: 2015-02-04

  • Articles and reports: 11-010-X200900610893
    Geography: Canada

    Using national accounts data on the financial flows, balance sheets and Canada's international investments, this paper shows how the crisis in financial markets has affected financial behaviour in Canada.

    Release date: 2009-06-11

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X20040038510

    Key financial instruments in the National Balance Sheet Accounts are now measured at market value.

    Release date: 2004-06-24

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X20030048506

    This first release of the quarterly national balance sheet accounts is part of a joint effort with Canada's international investment position to provide users with more up to date and meaningful data.

    Release date: 2003-06-24
Data (10)

Data (10) ((10 results))

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2024022
    Description: This interactive dashboard presents key financial data for individual municipalities and other local public administrations.
    Release date: 2024-07-26

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2022004

    This interactive dashboard presents key financial, economic and socio-economic data for individual municipalities and other local public administrations.

    Release date: 2022-07-26

  • Table: 61-008-X

    This publication presents, on a quarterly basis, balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in financial position and ratio data for the last five quarters. It covers 22 financial and non-financial sectors and their totals at the Canada level. The industry breakdowns are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS 2012).

    Release date: 2016-03-22

  • Table: 57-205-X
    Description: The publication provides information from companies engaged in the selling of natural gas to ultimate consumers through distribution pipelines, and those companies engaged in the transportation of natural gas by pipeline to local distribution systems. Details include: employment and payroll, natural gas sales and gas utilities (transport and distribution by type of system, property account data by plant category, income statement and balance sheet data and number and type of compressor stations operated) and pipelines (distance by purpose of pipeline and material used in pipeline).
    Release date: 2003-03-31

  • Table: 23-603-X

    This publication contains data from 1976 to date for major livestock series: cattle and calves, hogs, sheep and lambs, wool, furs, trade and prices, stocks of frozen meats, and apparent per capita meat consumption. Data highlights are also included. New and revised estimates for these data are released four times a year.

    Release date: 2003-03-05

  • Table: 56-204-X

    This on-line publication presents detailed financial statistics on the Canadian radio and television industry. The tables group the data by province and by revenue group. Data are provided on the privately owned radio and television industry as well as the public and non-commercial segment of the industry. There is an analysis of the data and a glossary of terms.

    Release date: 2002-05-23

  • 7. Cable Television Archived
    Table: 56-205-X

    This online publication presents detailed annual financial and operating statistics on the Canadian cable television industry. Operational data are published on subscribers, households passed by cable, kilometres of cable, channel capacity and program hours. Financial statistics include detailed revenue and expense accounts, balance sheet and statement of retained earnings. The preamble to the publication consists of statistical highlights, a written analysis and text tables which display a financial and operating summary of the cable television industry. Also included is a glossary of terms for the industry.

    Release date: 2000-06-21

  • Table: 56-001-X19990044940

    This bulletin is a preliminary release of 1998 annual data for the Cellular Telecommunications Industry (including PCS and ESMR service providers) with accompanying data from 1995.

    Release date: 2000-04-11

  • Table: 56-001-X19980015196

    Through a special survey of cellular service providers, Statistics Canada has compiled the first comprehensive statistical record of the cellular telephone industry's development between 1987 and 1996. The data quantify the growth and financial performance of the industry.

    Release date: 1998-04-15

  • Table: 53-222-X19960003612

    This paper first describes the statistical tools used to make these measurements. We will then present the results obtained by applying these tools to the financial databases for the years 1993 to 1996 derived from the Annual Motor Carriers of Freight Survey, conducted by Transportation Division of Statistics Canada. Finally, the main results obtained will be summarized and we will give some insights on future applications of the statistical tools developed.

    Release date: 1998-02-27
Analysis (7)

Analysis (7) ((7 results))

  • Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202400300004
    Description: Barriers to important milestones and traditional adulthood transitions have intensified in Canada. Sustained food inflation, elevated housing prices, and increasingly unaffordable rental costs across much of the country are casting a shadow over the middle-class dream for many households—and, in particular, for young families. This article provides an overview of household balance sheets and key financial metrics for young families as they adjust to current market conditions and begin to build financial resilience.
    Release date: 2024-03-27

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X202000100004

    In the past, the Bank of Canada (the Bank) and Statistics Canada both produced aggregate measures of borrowing, or credit, for sectors of the Canadian economy. The Statistics Canada measures were on a quarterly basis as part of the National Balance Sheet Accounts (NBSA) whereas the Bank of Canada published monthly statistics. While both estimates are drawn from the same data sources and paint a similar picture of the indebtedness of Canadian households and non-financial businesses, some reconcilable differences existed in the aggregate measures. Starting in December 2020 Statistics Canada will be producing monthly estimates that will be integrated into the larger NBSA framework. This will provide users with a single and consistent set of monthly estimates that align with the internationally recognized national accounting principles detailed in the United Nations System of National Accounts This guide will serve as a review of the historical differences between each organization's credit aggregates, the conceptual and statistical changes that will occur as a result of the integration of monthly estimates within the NBSA, and a detailed overview of the methods that will be employed to estimate the outstanding credit debt of households and non-financial private corporations by lending sector.

    Release date: 2020-12-18

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X201800154949

    The Bank of Canada and Statistics Canada both produce aggregate measures of borrowing, or credit, for sectors of the Canadian economy. The Statistics Canada measures are part of the National Balance Sheet Accounts (NBSA), which cover the entire economy and directly align with the internationally recognized national accounting principles detailed in the United Nations System of National Accounts. They are available by sector as currently defined in the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts. The NBSA are created using a balance sheet approach, which involves presenting the assets and liabilities for all instruments and sectors of the economy. In other words, for each instrument all holders of financial assets must have corresponding counterparties who hold the financial liabilities, and as such, the sum of these are equal in the aggregate. The Bank of Canada’s data are presented based on the issuer of credit, i.e., the holder of the financial assets, and do not display liabilities.

    Release date: 2018-03-15

  • Articles and reports: 13-605-X201500114141

    This article describes the major series and trends in the balance sheet and financial flows of the general government and government business enterprises for the period 2007 to 2012 according to the Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS) framework.

    Release date: 2015-02-04

  • Articles and reports: 11-010-X200900610893
    Geography: Canada

    Using national accounts data on the financial flows, balance sheets and Canada's international investments, this paper shows how the crisis in financial markets has affected financial behaviour in Canada.

    Release date: 2009-06-11

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2002190
    Geography: Canada

    This paper investigates the financial characteristics of new small firms. The analysis develops a representative, small-firm financial profile and evaluates the extent to which the proportionate use of different instruments and sources is correlated with industry-level and firm-specific characteristics. Multivariate methods are then used to examine relationships among financial structure, R&D intensity, and innovation.

    Our results suggest that relationships between knowledge intensity and capital structure are bidirectional. After a range of industry- and firm-level covariates are controlled for, firms that devote a higher percentage of their investment expenditure to R&D also exhibit fewer debt-intensive structures. Conversely, debt-intensive structures also act to constrain investments in R&D. These relationships, however, depend upon the type of debt in the asset mix. It is the share of long-term debt to total assets that is negatively related to investments in knowledge.

    Release date: 2002-05-24

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1997111
    Geography: Canada

    Recent studies have shown that companies with relatively high debt-to-asset (leverage) ratios exhibit more variability in investment and employment patterns. Other studies argue that high aggregate corporate leverage is associated with macroeconomic instability. This paper establishes and compares the evolution of aggregate corporate leverage trends in Canada and the United States from 1961 to 1996. Leverage has increased nearly 50 percent in both countries, and the majority of this increase is attributable to a greater use of short-term debt instruments. Although the magnitude of the increase is similar in both countries, the period harboring the lion's share of the increase is country-specific.

    Most of the increase in corporate leverage in Canada occurred between 1974 to 1983; a period associated with low real interest rates and rapid capital expansion in western Canada. The brunt of the increase in American corporate leverage occurred between 1982 and 1990. Over this period, U.S. companies were in the process of massive capital restructuring by purchasing outstanding equity with borrowed funds. This period was also associated with an increase in the number and value of U.S. leveraged buy-outs that aided in pushing financial leverage higher.

    Release date: 1997-12-11
Reference (5)

Reference (5) ((5 results))

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X20040038510

    Key financial instruments in the National Balance Sheet Accounts are now measured at market value.

    Release date: 2004-06-24

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X20030048506

    This first release of the quarterly national balance sheet accounts is part of a joint effort with Canada's international investment position to provide users with more up to date and meaningful data.

    Release date: 2003-06-24

  • Notices and consultations: 13-605-X20030038504

    This first release of the quarterly international investment position is part of a joint effort with the national balance sheet accounts to provide users with more up to date and meaningful data.

    Release date: 2003-06-17

  • Notices and consultations: 13F0026M1999001

    The main objectives of a new Canadian survey measuring asset and debt holding of families and individuals will be to update wealth information that is over one decade old; to improve the reliability of the wealth estimates; and, to provide a primary tool for analysing many important policy issues related to the distribution of assets and debts, future consumption possibilities, and savings behaviour that is of interest to governments, business and communities.

    This paper is the document that launched the development of the new asset and debt survey, subsequently renamed the Survey of Financial Security. It looks at the conceptual framework for the survey, including the appropriate unit of measurement (family, household or person) and discusses measurement issues such as establishing an accounting framework for assets and debts. The variables proposed for inclusion are also identified. The paper poses several questions to readers and asks for comments and feedback.

    Release date: 1999-03-23

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13F0031M2000003

    This report examines the 1997 Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA) and highlights the remaining differences from the 1993 SNA, thus providing a better understanding of the Canadian System vis-à-vis that of other countries. Our occasional departures from the 1993 SNA guidelines are primarily prompted by pragmatic considerations, such as institutional structure, statistical data sources, availability of resources and their cost-effective use.

    Release date: 1998-04-01
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