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All (120)

All (120) (110 to 120 of 120 results)

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X19990014627
    Geography: Canada

    Twenty years ago, it was rare for a university to patent an invention, create a spin-off company or license a technology - the priority was to "publish or perish." But according to the results of a new pilot survey, the catch phrase might well become "patent or publish". In 1997-98, Canada's universities registered 143 new patents and licensed 243 technologies, bringing in almost $16 million in royalties.

    Release date: 1999-07-23

  • Articles and reports: 52-216-X19970004457

    The purpose of this paper is to outline the results of preliminary research into the use of a potentially new economic indicator for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - railway carloadings.

    Release date: 1999-03-24

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1999121
    Geography: Canada

    Entry and exit are important phenomena. This paper reviews the evidence on the size of this process and its contribution to productivity and innovation. It then develops a detailed portrait of the characteristics of new firms that survive and those that fail. In doing so, it examines the type of competencies that are developed in both groups of firms. It asks which competencies are developed by new firms. In particular, it focuses on the innovative capabilities of new firms. It shows that small firms in general and entrants in particular are heterogeneous when it comes to their innovative activity. The types of innovative activity in which they are engaged vary widely. Some focus on research and development (R&D) and new products. Others focus on new technologies. Still others stress the development of human capital. In addition, this paper examines the competitive environment that new firms face and the connection between growth and innovation. It also examines the complementary skills that are employed by innovators. Finally, the paper focuses on the causes of failure in the firm population. It extends earlier work that finds that failing firms differ from surviving firms in terms of basic competencies-management, financial management and marketing capabilities.

    Release date: 1999-02-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1998098
    Geography: Canada

    The 1980s and 1990s have seen a rising share of skilled labour in total employment in the manufacturing sector of Canada. At the same time, the wage premium for skilled workers has increased, thereby increasing the inequality between skilled and unskilled workers. There is a disagreement about the causes of these changes. Several hypotheses have been offered to explain them-increased international competition, changes in the relative supply of more-skilled versus less-skilled workers, and skilled-augmenting technological change. This paper analyzes the nature, pattern and causes of the shifts in the composition of employment in manufacturing. The paper describes the composition of employment in manufacturing. It focuses on the direction and magnitude of shifts in the proportion of nonproduction workers employed within manufacturing and across sectors within manufacturing. It also investigates the extent to which wage differentials between nonproduction and production workers have widened in the 1980s. In addition, it assesses the extent to which these changes are associated with trade and technology use. The results indicate that the rising wage differentials are associated with both increased trade intensity and the types of technologies that are being used in the plant.

    Release date: 1998-05-06

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1997102
    Geography: Canada

    The strategies and competencies of small and medium-sized firms are explored here using the responses to the Survey of Growing Small and Medium Size Enterprises, conducted by Statistics Canada. The paper classifies small and medium-sized firms by innovator type and explores the complementary strategies in management, marketing, human resources and financing that are adopted by each innovator type and the success of each type of innovator.

    A taxonomy of innovative types is developed that is based on the product/process development orientation of the firm. Differences in competencies in the area of human resources, management, marketing and finance that are possessed by firms in each group are examined. Firms are classified into one of four groups-product innovators, comprehensive (product and process) innovators, process innovators, or non-innovators-based on their responses to 22 innovation-related questions on the survey. These groups correspond to different stages in the development of a product market. Product innovators occupy the first stage, the time when the product is initially introduced. Comprehensive innovators represent the second stage, when the product demand is still growing, and firms in addition to producing new products, have begun to make dramatic improvements in their production efficiencies, by concentrating on process innovations as well as product innovations. Process innovators represent the third phase in the development of a product market, when the product characteristics have become established, and firms seek to improve their market share mainly by improving their production efficiencies. Finally, the last phase is characterized by a relatively stable product line, with a mature production technology.

    The competencies of firms differ across these innovative types. Comprehensive innovators tend to develop greater capabilities than the other innovators in a wide range of areas. Comprehensive innovators also tend to outperform the other innovators in terms of growth in sales, market share, and employment size.

    Innovators also tailor their financial strategies to their innovator type. Product innovators focus on a low debt/asset strategy with non-standard sources like venture capital. In later stages of the innovation life cycle-comprehensive and process innovators place great emphasis on higher debt/asset ratios and make greater use of long-term debt and equity capital.

    Release date: 1998-01-22

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1997107
    Geography: Canada

    The debate over the appropriate function of government policy for research and development (R&D) subsidies brings into focus the different roles that are played by large and small firms in the innovation process. Small firms, it is often claimed, have different tendencies to use R&D facilities than large firms and, therefore, require the development of special programs that are directed at this sector. This paper examines the differences in the innovation profiles of small and large firms, and how R&D intensity and efficacy varies across different size classes. It investigates the contribution that R&D makes to success in the small and medium-sized population and the types of policies that small firms feel are the most appropriate to reduce the impediments to innovation that they face.

    The paper finds a number of differences between large and small firms in the tendency to innovate and to use R&D facilities. Small firms can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of firms that resemble large firms in that they perform R&D and generate new products and processes primarily through their own efforts. The second are those who rely upon customers and suppliers for their sources of ideas for innovation. Large firms, by way of contrast, tend to rely more heavily on R&D. While they too rely on networks for ideas, their networks focus more heavily on relationships with other firms that belong to the same firm.

    Most of the differences between small and large firms are explained by the fact that firms of different sizes specialize in different parts of the production process. Firms of different sizes serve different niches; they each have their own advantages. Small firms are more flexible but can suffer from cost disadvantages due to scale. They overcome their disadvantages by networking with their customers and by showing the same flexibility in their R&D process that they exhibit elsewhere. They rely less on dedicated R&D facilities and more on the flexible exploitation of R&D as opportunities arise. They also network with customers in order to adopt their suggestions for new innovations.

    Release date: 1997-09-17

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1996092
    Geography: Canada

    This study is one of a series that examines how technology adoption affects the skills of workers. Previous papers in the series have approached this issue in differentways with data from a variety of sources. Using data on the strategies and activities of small and medium-sized firms in both manufacturing and services industries,Baldwin and Johnson (1995), Baldwin, Johnson and Pedersen (1996) examine the connection between the different strategies that are pursued by growing firms.Firms that stress technological competencies are found to also place a greater emphasis on skill enhancement and training activities. Using survey data on the type oftechnology used in manufacturing plants and plant managers' perceptions of the skill requirements and training costs associated with the adoption of newtechnologies, Baldwin, Gray and Johnson (1995) find that technology use leads to greater skill requirements, more training, and higher training costs.This paper uses survey data on the incidence of advanced technology adoption and matched panel data on plant characteristics such as wages, capital intensity, andsize to examine the connection between technology use and the wage rates received by workers. Since higher wages are associated with higher skill levels,establishing a connection between technology use and wages reinforces the earlier findings.

    Release date: 1996-01-09

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1995074
    Geography: Canada

    This study examines the characteristics of small and medium-sized firms that perform training. It uses data taken from a recent Statistics Canada survey that permit firms' training decisions to be analyzed within the broader context of their many activities and strategies.

    The study finds strong evidence for the hypothesis that human capital development facilitated by training is complementary to innovation and technological change. Training incidence is found to be closely related to the importance that a firm gives to research and development, the use of new technologies, and numerous other strategies that are related to innovation. Training is also greater where a firm emphasizes quality and a comprehensive human-resource strategy. The results point to the inherent complementarity of technology and human resources policy.

    Release date: 1995-03-30

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1995073
    Geography: Canada

    This study investigates differences in the policies being pursued by innovative and non-innovative firms. It focuses on a broad group of strategies -- in marketing, finance, production, management and human resources and asks whether there are key areas in which the strategies being followed by innovative and non-innovative firms differ. It also asks how the activities of firms in each of these areas differs. Finally, it compares the performance of innovative and non-innovative firms. The study finds that innovative firms place a greater emphasis on management, human resources, marketing, financing, government programs and services, and production efficiencies. In most of these areas, innovative firms pursue activities more intensively. Finally, innovative firms are more successful than non-innovative firms.

    Release date: 1995-02-28

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1995076
    Geography: Canada

    This study examines the differences in strategies and activities pursued by a sample of more-successful and less-successful group of growing small- and medium-sized enterprises. Amongst other matters, it examines different functional strategies -- the importance of management, human resource practices, marketing, financing, and the innovativeness of the firm. Innovative activities are the most important determinants of success; that is, for a wide range of industries, they serve to discriminate between the more- and the less-successful firms better than any other variable. Almost all of the strategy questions that relate to innovative activity receive higher scores from the more-successful group of firms than from the less-successful group of firms. This is also the case for innovative activities -- whether a firm possesses an R&D unit, its expenditure on R&D relative to total investment, and its R&D-to-sales ratio.

    Release date: 1995-02-28
Data (4)

Data (4) ((4 results))

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021020
    Description: This interactive dashboard allows users to explore main data released from the Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy (SIBS) for the reference periods 2015-2017 (SIBS 2017) and 2017-2019 (SIBS 2019). Data for SIBS 2019 were released mainly in three waves in 2021: April 26 (innovation), June 9 (structure and business strategies) and July 27 (global value chain ). The SIBS 2019 is a joint initiative of Statistics Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada; Global Affairs Canada; the Bank of Canada; the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; the Institut de la statistique du Québec ; and the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. SIBS is the primary source of business innovation data for the Canadian economy. Between the release of the 2017 SIBS and 2019 SIBS results, the definition of what constitutes innovation changed slightly in the 4th edition of the Oslo Manual Data for the 2015-to-2017 and 2017-to-2019 reference periods are available by sector, according to the North American Industry Classification System; by enterprise size; and by economic region, according to the Standard Geographical Classification.
    Release date: 2021-07-27

  • Data Visualization: 71-607-X2021014

    The interactive dashboard allows users to explore the main data released from the Intellectual Property Awareness and Use survey (IPAU) on February 18, 2021. Intellectual property (IP) is a distinct form of creative endeavour such as an invention, literary and artistic work, image or design that may be protected by formal legislation or common law or that has provided commercial value. The strategic use of IP is critical to the innovation and economic growth of Canadian enterprises. As a result, the IPAU survey was created to establish a baseline on the familiarity and use of IP by businesses in Canada. This survey is also part of the national Intellectual Property Strategy, which was designed to improve access to the IP system for all Canadians, including traditionally underrepresented groups, such as women and Indigenous peoples. Businesses in Canada can own IP domestically and internationally. International IP protection is accorded through a registration process in the country of interest. Data are available by enterprise size; by sector, according to the North American Industry Classification System; and by economic region, according to the Standard Geographical Classification, for the reference period from 2017 to 2019.

    Release date: 2021-04-26

  • Table: 71-585-X

    This compendium provides data from the new Workplace and Employee Survey (WES) conducted by Statistics Canada with the support of Human Resources Development Canada. The survey consists of two components: (1) a workplace survey on the adoption of technologies, organizational change, training and other human resource practices, business strategies, and labour turnover in workplaces; and (2) a survey of employees within these same workplaces covering wages, hours of work, job type, human capital, use of technologies and training. The result is a rich new source of linked information on workplaces and their employees.

    Release date: 2008-09-24

  • Table: 15-001-X20020076510

    This analytical paper focusses on how pharmaceutical manufacturing production is distributed and which factors favour its future growth, using such variables as its gross domestic product (GDP), employment, research and development (R&D) and innovation patterns. How this industry differs from other manufacturing industries is also discussed.

    Release date: 2002-10-07
Analysis (114)

Analysis (114) (100 to 110 of 114 results)

  • Journals and periodicals: 61-526-X
    Geography: Canada

    This study investigates the determinants of failure for new Canadian firms. It explores the role that certain factors play in conditioning the likelihood of survival - factors related to industry structure, firm demographics and macroeconomic cycles. It asks whether the determinants of failure are different for new start-ups than for firms that have reached adolescence, and if the magnitude of these differences is economically significant. It examines whether, after controlling for certain influences, failure rates differ across industries and provinces.

    Two themes figure prominently in this analysis. The first is the impact that certain industry characteristics - such as average firm size and concentration - have on the entry/exit process, either through their influence on failure costs or on the intensity of competition. The second centres on how the dimensions of failure evolve over time as new firms gain market experience.

    Release date: 2000-02-16

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000143
    Geography: Canada

    This paper explores differences between innovative and non-innovative establishments in business service industries. It focuses on small establishments that supply core technical inputs to other firms: establishments in computer and related services, engineering, and other scientific and technical services.

    The analysis begins by examining the incidence of innovation within the small firm population. Forty percent of small businesses report introducing new or improved products, processes or organizational forms. Among these businesses, product innovation dominates over process or organizational change. A majority of these establishments reveal an ongoing commitment to innovation programs by introducing innovations on a regular basis. By contrast, businesses that do not introduce new or improved products, processes or organizational methods reveal little supporting evidence of innovation activity.

    The paper then investigates differences in strategic intensity between innovative and non-innovative businesses. Innovators attach greater importance to financial management and capital acquisition. Innovators also place more emphasis on recruiting skilled labour and on promoting incentive compensation. These distinctions are sensible - among small firms in R&D-intensive industries, financing and human resource competencies play a critical role in the innovation process.

    A final section examines whether the obstacles to innovation differ between innovators and non-innovators. Innovators are more likely to report difficulties related to market success, imitation, and skill restrictions. Evidence of learning-by-doing is more apparent within a multivariate framework. The probability of encountering risk-related obstacles and input restrictions is higher among establishments that engage in R&D and use intellectual property rights, both key elements of the innovation process. Many obstacles to innovation are also more apparent for businesses that stress financing, marketing, production or human resource strategies.

    Release date: 2000-01-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2000127
    Geography: Canada

    In studies of business innovation, the term innovation process is used to describe (i) the array of sources and objectives that culminate in the act of innovation, (ii) the set of market effects that result from innovation, and (iii) the obstacles that firms encounter when pursuing innovation strategies. An examination of the innovation process is thus designed to bring about a more comprehensive understanding of the characteristics that innovative firms share, as well as of those characteristics that set innovators apart from other businesses. The Survey of Innovation, 1996 examined innovation in three dynamic service industries: communications, financial services, and technical business services.

    This paper explores the principal findings to emerge from the Survey of Innovation, 1996. Two themes are apparent. In the first instance, many elements of the innovation process are common to all the service industries studied, such as an emphasis on product innovation, a strong customer orientation, and a commitment to service quality. Beyond these common elements, however, differences in competitive pressures across these industries serve to engender important differences in innovation strategies. Accordingly, much of what we can ultimately learn about the innovation process occurs at the industry level.

    Release date: 2000-01-19

  • Articles and reports: 63F0002X1999027

    Computer communications occur when someone connects a computer to a communications network to access information on the Internet, to send and receive e-mail, or to use electronic banking services. This article uses 1998 data to update previous estimates of the proportion of Canadian households regularly using computer communications, analyzing the relationships between usage and location of use, household income, and other demographic factors. The article also looks at the growth of household connectedness over the past year, as well as the time spent using computer communications from home for a variety of services that can be accessed through the Internet.

    Release date: 1999-12-24

  • Articles and reports: 88-003-X19990014627
    Geography: Canada

    Twenty years ago, it was rare for a university to patent an invention, create a spin-off company or license a technology - the priority was to "publish or perish." But according to the results of a new pilot survey, the catch phrase might well become "patent or publish". In 1997-98, Canada's universities registered 143 new patents and licensed 243 technologies, bringing in almost $16 million in royalties.

    Release date: 1999-07-23

  • Articles and reports: 52-216-X19970004457

    The purpose of this paper is to outline the results of preliminary research into the use of a potentially new economic indicator for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - railway carloadings.

    Release date: 1999-03-24

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1999121
    Geography: Canada

    Entry and exit are important phenomena. This paper reviews the evidence on the size of this process and its contribution to productivity and innovation. It then develops a detailed portrait of the characteristics of new firms that survive and those that fail. In doing so, it examines the type of competencies that are developed in both groups of firms. It asks which competencies are developed by new firms. In particular, it focuses on the innovative capabilities of new firms. It shows that small firms in general and entrants in particular are heterogeneous when it comes to their innovative activity. The types of innovative activity in which they are engaged vary widely. Some focus on research and development (R&D) and new products. Others focus on new technologies. Still others stress the development of human capital. In addition, this paper examines the competitive environment that new firms face and the connection between growth and innovation. It also examines the complementary skills that are employed by innovators. Finally, the paper focuses on the causes of failure in the firm population. It extends earlier work that finds that failing firms differ from surviving firms in terms of basic competencies-management, financial management and marketing capabilities.

    Release date: 1999-02-25

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1998098
    Geography: Canada

    The 1980s and 1990s have seen a rising share of skilled labour in total employment in the manufacturing sector of Canada. At the same time, the wage premium for skilled workers has increased, thereby increasing the inequality between skilled and unskilled workers. There is a disagreement about the causes of these changes. Several hypotheses have been offered to explain them-increased international competition, changes in the relative supply of more-skilled versus less-skilled workers, and skilled-augmenting technological change. This paper analyzes the nature, pattern and causes of the shifts in the composition of employment in manufacturing. The paper describes the composition of employment in manufacturing. It focuses on the direction and magnitude of shifts in the proportion of nonproduction workers employed within manufacturing and across sectors within manufacturing. It also investigates the extent to which wage differentials between nonproduction and production workers have widened in the 1980s. In addition, it assesses the extent to which these changes are associated with trade and technology use. The results indicate that the rising wage differentials are associated with both increased trade intensity and the types of technologies that are being used in the plant.

    Release date: 1998-05-06

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1997102
    Geography: Canada

    The strategies and competencies of small and medium-sized firms are explored here using the responses to the Survey of Growing Small and Medium Size Enterprises, conducted by Statistics Canada. The paper classifies small and medium-sized firms by innovator type and explores the complementary strategies in management, marketing, human resources and financing that are adopted by each innovator type and the success of each type of innovator.

    A taxonomy of innovative types is developed that is based on the product/process development orientation of the firm. Differences in competencies in the area of human resources, management, marketing and finance that are possessed by firms in each group are examined. Firms are classified into one of four groups-product innovators, comprehensive (product and process) innovators, process innovators, or non-innovators-based on their responses to 22 innovation-related questions on the survey. These groups correspond to different stages in the development of a product market. Product innovators occupy the first stage, the time when the product is initially introduced. Comprehensive innovators represent the second stage, when the product demand is still growing, and firms in addition to producing new products, have begun to make dramatic improvements in their production efficiencies, by concentrating on process innovations as well as product innovations. Process innovators represent the third phase in the development of a product market, when the product characteristics have become established, and firms seek to improve their market share mainly by improving their production efficiencies. Finally, the last phase is characterized by a relatively stable product line, with a mature production technology.

    The competencies of firms differ across these innovative types. Comprehensive innovators tend to develop greater capabilities than the other innovators in a wide range of areas. Comprehensive innovators also tend to outperform the other innovators in terms of growth in sales, market share, and employment size.

    Innovators also tailor their financial strategies to their innovator type. Product innovators focus on a low debt/asset strategy with non-standard sources like venture capital. In later stages of the innovation life cycle-comprehensive and process innovators place great emphasis on higher debt/asset ratios and make greater use of long-term debt and equity capital.

    Release date: 1998-01-22

  • Articles and reports: 11F0019M1997107
    Geography: Canada

    The debate over the appropriate function of government policy for research and development (R&D) subsidies brings into focus the different roles that are played by large and small firms in the innovation process. Small firms, it is often claimed, have different tendencies to use R&D facilities than large firms and, therefore, require the development of special programs that are directed at this sector. This paper examines the differences in the innovation profiles of small and large firms, and how R&D intensity and efficacy varies across different size classes. It investigates the contribution that R&D makes to success in the small and medium-sized population and the types of policies that small firms feel are the most appropriate to reduce the impediments to innovation that they face.

    The paper finds a number of differences between large and small firms in the tendency to innovate and to use R&D facilities. Small firms can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of firms that resemble large firms in that they perform R&D and generate new products and processes primarily through their own efforts. The second are those who rely upon customers and suppliers for their sources of ideas for innovation. Large firms, by way of contrast, tend to rely more heavily on R&D. While they too rely on networks for ideas, their networks focus more heavily on relationships with other firms that belong to the same firm.

    Most of the differences between small and large firms are explained by the fact that firms of different sizes specialize in different parts of the production process. Firms of different sizes serve different niches; they each have their own advantages. Small firms are more flexible but can suffer from cost disadvantages due to scale. They overcome their disadvantages by networking with their customers and by showing the same flexibility in their R&D process that they exhibit elsewhere. They rely less on dedicated R&D facilities and more on the flexible exploitation of R&D as opportunities arise. They also network with customers in order to adopt their suggestions for new innovations.

    Release date: 1997-09-17
Reference (2)

Reference (2) ((2 results))

  • Classification: 12-604-X

    The concordance table provides a link between data tables and the survey questions from the Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy (SIBS).

    Release date: 2021-07-30

  • Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 13-605-X20060019175

    The National Accounts Advisory Committee reviews and gives advice on the concepts, methods, plans, standards as well as results associated with Statistics Canada's System of National Accounts.

    Release date: 2006-03-31
Date modified: