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- National Population Health Survey: Health Institutions Component, Longitudinal (1)
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All (73)
All (73) (60 to 70 of 73 results)
- 61. Impaired driving in Canada, 1998 ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-002-X19990118305Geography: Province or territory, Census metropolitan areaDescription:
The Juristat on impaired driving, released every two years, presents data on the declining trend in impaired driving at the national, provincial and census metropolitan area (CMA) levels, as well as the characteristics of persons charged with this offence. The analysis is based on police-reported statistics as well as data from the courts and corrections sectors. Other data sources include data on fatally-injured drivers, on trends in alcohol consumption, as well as information on pro-active police measures such as trends in check-stops and roadside license suspensions.
Release date: 1999-11-17 - Articles and reports: 82-003-X19990014645Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article examines associations between the use of selected medications and fall-related fractures in the household population aged 65 or older.
Release date: 1999-08-18 - 63. Spousal violence ArchivedArticles and reports: 85-224-X19990005307Geography: CanadaDescription:
The Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics has been tracking trends in crimes reported to the police since 1962 through the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey.
Release date: 1999-06-11 - Articles and reports: 85-224-X19990005311Geography: CanadaDescription:
Physical and sexual assaults are among the most pervasive causes of harm and death to children and youth, yet the most difficult to document. Assaults by family members account for a substantial portion of all assaults against children and youth.
Release date: 1999-06-11 - 65. Health care consequences of falls for seniors ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19980044509Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article examines falls that caused a serious injury among people aged 65 or older living in private households. Based on an analysis of people followed over a two-year period, it focuses on the association of a fall in 1994/95 with subsequent health care. Suffering a fall dramatically increased the odds that seniors would require hospitalization, home care and institutionalization.
Release date: 1999-04-29 - Articles and reports: 82-003-X19980044510Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article examines the effects of birht outcome and selected social environmental factors on the health of young children. Children younger than age 3 who were preterm low birthweight babies have high odds of poor general health and of having been diagnosed with asthma.
Release date: 1999-04-29 - Table: 93F0035XDescription:
Tables for Canada and each province present key variables and where possible comparisons to the 1991 Census of Agriculture. The key variables include summary data on age, sex, residence status, average weekly farm work hours, average weekly non-farm work hours, operation of non-agricultural businesses and injuries. A two-page table for Canada and a two-page table for each of the provinces provides 1991 and 1996 comparisons for some key variables.
Release date: 1999-02-04 - 68. Work stress and health ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X19980034140Geography: CanadaDescription: This article describes work stress experienced by the employed population. It examines associations between job strain, job insecurity, physical demands, low co-worker support and low supervisor support, and four health outcomes: migraine, work injury, high blood pressure and psychological distress.Release date: 1999-01-12
- 69. National Population Health Survey Overview ArchivedTable: 82-567-XDescription:
The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) is designed to enhance the understanding of the processes affecting health. The survey collects cross-sectional as well as longitudinal data. In 1994/95 the survey interviewed a panel of 17,276 individuals, then returned to interview them a second time in 1996/97. The response rate for these individuals was 96% in 1996/97. Data collection from the panel will continue for up to two decades. For cross-sectional purposes, data were collected for a total of 81,000 household residents in all provinces (except people on Indian reserves or on Canadian Forces bases) in 1996/97.
This overview illustrates the variety of information available by presenting data on perceived health, chronic conditions, injuries, repetitive strains, depression, smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, consultations with medical professionals, use of medications and use of alternative medicine.
Release date: 1998-07-29 - Table: 68-513-X19970013564Description:
Canada's workers' compensation systems are financed through a payroll tax with the cost initially falling on employers. The rates that employers pay are supposed to reflect the costs of current and future medical and vocational rehabilitation, and financial compensation associated with workplace injuries, as well as the costs of administering the system.
Release date: 1998-02-04
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Data (14)
Data (14) (0 to 10 of 14 results)
- Public use microdata: 82M0013XDescription: The public use microdata file (PUMF) from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) provides data for health regions and combinations of health regions across Canada. Over the two year period, data are based on interviews with approximately 130,000 respondents aged 12 or older, residing in households in all provinces and territories.
The files include information on a wide range of topics, including: physical activity, height and weight, smoking, exposure to second hand smoke, alcohol consumption, general health, chronic health conditions, injuries, and use of health care services. It also provides information on the socio-demographic, income and labour force characteristics of the population.
Release date: 2024-06-14 - 2. Causes of Death ArchivedTable: 84-208-XDescription:
This publication contains statistical tables showing the number of deaths by age, sex and underlying cause for Canada (and by sex for the provinces for 1999 and earlier).
Underlying cause of death is defined as the disease or injury which initiated the train of morbid events leading directly to death, or the circumstances of the accident or violence which produced the fatal injury. The underlying cause is selected from a number of conditions listed on the medical certificate of death.
The underlying cause is presented by the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) codes, established by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1992). Beginning in 2000, causes of death in Canada are coded according to the 10th revision of the Classification, referred to as ICD-10. The previous revision, ICD-9 (WHO, 1977), was used for the classification of cause of death in Canada from 1979 to 1999.
Release date: 2012-07-25 - 3. Mortality, Summary List of Causes ArchivedTable: 84F0209XGeography: CanadaDescription:
This publication contains statistical tables showing the number of deaths by age, sex and grouped underlying cause for Canada, the provinces and territories. Also included are age-specific and age-standardized mortality rates by grouped underlying cause of death.
Release date: 2012-07-25 - Table: 71-211-XDescription:
This document contains a breakdown of absences from work for personal reasons (illness or disability and personal or family responsibilities) by various demographic and labour market characteristics. Only full-time employees have been considered in this analysis.
Release date: 2012-04-20 - 5. Work absences in 2010 ArchivedTable: 75-001-X201100211452Description:
This overview presents data on absences from work for personal reasons (illness or disability and personal or family responsibilities) by various demographic and labour market characteristics, using data from the Labour Force Survey. Only full-time employees have been considered in this analysis.
Release date: 2011-05-25 - Table: 95F0302XDescription:
This product presents basic counts and totals for all 2001 Census of Agriculture farm variables, including number and type of farms; crop, horticulture and land use areas; land management practices; numbers of livestock and poultry; organic farming; computer use; farm machinery and equipment; farm capital; and farm operating expenses and receipts. It provides a comprehensive picture of the agriculture industry across Canada. It depicts the men and women who make the day-to-day management decisions on Canadian farms. The farm operator variables include number of farm operators, age, sex, residence status, farm and non-farm work and farm-related injuries. This product also presents selected historical farm and farm operator data for Canada and the provinces. The geographic levels presented include Canada, the provinces/territories, census agricultural regions (CAR), census divisions (CD) and the census consolidated subdivisions (CCS). The CCS level is the lowest level of geography available in standard tabulations.
Release date: 2002-12-04 - Public use microdata: 82M0009XDescription:
The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) used the Labour Force Survey sampling frame to draw the initial sample of approximately 20,000 households starting in 1994 and for the sample top-up this third cycle. The survey is conducted every two years. The sample collection is distributed over four quarterly periods followed by a follow-up period and the whole process takes a year. In each household, some limited health information is collected from all household members and one person in each household is randomly selected for a more in-depth interview.
The survey is designed to collect information on the health of the Canadian population and related socio-demographic information. The first cycle of data collection began in 1994, and continues every second year thereafter. The survey is designed to produce both cross-sectional and longitudinal estimates. The questionnaires includes content related to health status, use of health services, determinants of health, a health index, chronic conditions and activity restrictions. The use of health services is probed through visits to health care providers, both traditional and non-traditional, and the use of drugs and other mediciations. Health determinants include smoking, alcohol use and physical activity. A special focus content for this cycle includes family medical history with questions about certain chronic conditions among immediate family members and when they were acquired. As well, a section on self care has also been included this cycle. The socio-demographic information includes age, sex, education, ethnicity, household income and labour force status.
Release date: 2000-12-19 - 8. North American Transportation in Figures ArchivedTable: 50-501-XDescription:
North American transportation in figures provides a comprehensive set of comparable statistical indicators of the use, performance and impact of transportation in North America. It includes over 90 different data tables, supported by figures, maps and extensive technical documentation describing data categories and definitions relating to each country, that is, Canada, Mexico and the United States. The report covers a wide variety of transportation subjects across the three countries: including transportation and the economy; safety; merchandise trade; freight activity; passenger travel; infrastructure; and transportation energy and environment.
Release date: 2000-10-12 - Public use microdata: 82M0010XDescription:
The National Population Health Survey (NPHS) program is designed to collect information related to the health of the Canadian population. The first cycle of data collection began in 1994. The institutional component includes long-term residents (expected to stay longer than six months) in health care facilities with four or more beds in Canada with the principal exclusion of the Yukon and the Northwest Teritories. The document has been produced to facilitate the manipulation of the 1996-1997 microdata file containing survey results. The main variables include: demography, health status, chronic conditions, restriction of activity, socio-demographic, and others.
Release date: 2000-08-02 - 10. Vital Statistics Compendium ArchivedTable: 84-214-XDescription:
This compendium of vital statistics includes summary data on births, deaths, marriages and divorces. The introduction covers the data sources, data quality, and methods pertaining to each event, and includes a glossary defining the terms used. The first chapter is a brief overview of vital statistics for 1996. Subsequent chapters treat marriage, divorce, birth, fetal and infant mortality, total mortality, causes of death, vital statistics by census division, and international comparisons. Most charts and tables show Canada data for 1986 though 1996, while the charts and tables for causes of death show Canada data for 1979 through1996. Data for the provinces and territories are usually shown for 1995 and 1996. Appendices include population denominator data, age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) calculation methods, and leading causes of death methodology.
Release date: 1999-11-25
Analysis (57)
Analysis (57) (0 to 10 of 57 results)
- Articles and reports: 82-003-X202300600002Description: Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a major public health concern impacting the lives of many Canadians. Among all TBIs, concussions are the most common. However, to date, the incidence of concussions among the Canadian population has remained unknown. To address this data surveillance gap, this study presents national estimates on the percentage of Canadians aged 12 years or older (excluding those living in the territories) who sustained one or more concussions in 2019.Release date: 2023-06-21
- Articles and reports: 82-003-X202200700001Description:
There has been increasing scrutiny of opioid prescribing following injury given concerns that prescribed opioids may contribute to addiction and/or overdose. This study aimed to better understand the relationship between injury, opioids prescribed pre- and post-injury, and non-medical drug poisoning. Focusing on working age (15-65 years old) residents of the Fraser Health region, this study used a linked administrative dataset to better understand the relationships between injury, whether the injury was work-related or sustained outside of the workplace, pain management medication in the form of opioid and opioid agonist therapy prescriptions before and after injury, and potential non-medical drug poisoning.
Release date: 2022-07-20 - Articles and reports: 82-003-X202100800002Description:
With data from the 2019 Canadian Community Health Survey, this study assessed the use of and exposure to handheld laser devices by Canadians and the potential associated health risks. In addition to the prevalence of handheld laser exposure or use, the frequency and type of injury sustained, and whether the injury was the result of personal use or someone else's use, the study also determined the type of handheld laser device being used and where the device was obtained.
Release date: 2021-08-18 - Articles and reports: 82-003-X201900100001Description:
An increasing number of consumer laser products are available to Canadians, many being purchased from online retailers. Of particular concern are high-powered, handheld laser devices. This study was conducted to assess the impact of this influx of laser products on the number of laser-associated injuries in Canada. Data are from the rapid response component of the 2014 Canadian Community Health Survey which collected data from 19,765 Canadians on the prevalence of laser product exposure and usage, the type of laser product used, and the incidence of eye or skin injuries.
Release date: 2019-01-16 - 5. Changes in causes of death, 1950 to 2012 ArchivedStats in brief: 11-630-X2016003Description:
This edition of Canadian Megatrends looks at changes in the causes of death from 1950 to 2012.
Release date: 2016-03-21 - 6. The health of girls and women in Canada ArchivedArticles and reports: 89-503-X201500114324Description:
This chapter of Women in Canada presents a life course perspective of the physical, mental and social health of girls and women in Canada. It is intended to provide a summary of various aspects of women’s health, based on available recent survey and administrative data, as well as findings from published research papers and reports. It begins with a general overview of female health in Canada - with a look at the social determinants of health and the health of women who are immigrants to Canada - followed by four sections that describe female health in childhood, in adolescence, in adulthood, and at older ages. Each of these sections includes information on various health behaviours, disease and chronic conditions, and mental health. Sexual activity and reproduction are also examined, beginning in adolescence.
Release date: 2016-03-08 - 7. Life expectancy, 1920–1922 to 2009–2011 ArchivedStats in brief: 11-630-X2016002Description:
In this edition of Canadian Megatrends, we look at the increase in life expectancy in Canada from 1920–1922 to 2009–2011.
Release date: 2016-02-26 - 8. Injuries at work, 2013 ArchivedStats in brief: 82-625-X201500114148Description:
This health fact sheet presents data on injuries at work among Canadians aged 15 to 74. Results shown are based on data from the 2013 Canadian Community Health Survey.
Release date: 2015-04-28 - 9. Is the injury gap closing between the Aboriginal and general populations of British Columbia? ArchivedArticles and reports: 82-003-X201500114131Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
This study provides an overview of trends in hospitalization injury rates between the Aboriginal and total populations of British Columbia. Hospital discharge records from 1986 through 2010 were obtained from linked health care databases maintained by Population Data BC.
Release date: 2015-01-21 - Articles and reports: 82-003-X201400211902Geography: CanadaDescription:
Based on 2004/2005 to 2009/2010 data from the Discharge Abstract Database, this study examines associations between unintentional injury hospitalizations and socio-economic status and location relative to an urban core in Dissemination Areas with a high percentage of First Nations identity residents versus a low percentage of Aboriginal identity residents based on the predominant Aboriginal group.
Release date: 2014-02-19
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Reference (2)
Reference (2) ((2 results))
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 82-622-X2008003Description:
Since 2007/2008, Statistics Canada has centred analysis of data holdings related to health as well as our program of dissemination of health research within the new Health Information and Research Division (HIRD).
The new division has launched a comprehensive approach to analytical planning including environmental scanning and consultation; establishment of strategic multi-year priorities for health research at Statistics Canada; a process of project selection and review that ensures that analytical effort addresses our priorities; metrics to measure our adherence to priorities and the impact of our analytical effort; and communication and dissemination of analytical plans.
This multi-year analytical plan identifies the key high-level priority areas for Statistics Canada's investment in health research for 2008/2009 to 2010/2011, and serves as a blueprint for subsequent operational research planning.
Release date: 2009-01-30 - 2. Labour Market and Income Data Guide ArchivedSurveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 75F0010XDescription:
The publication guides the user through the vast array of labour market and income data sources. It offers detailed descriptions of the various surveys, including the data collected. A summary chart gives snapshot information for comparisons.
Release date: 2000-09-13
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