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    • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018055

      Both in school and in the work place, youth in Canada are hopeful for the future but aware of the obstacles that lay ahead. This infographic uses data from the 2016 Canadians at Work and Home Survey to capture some ways in which youth experience and navigate these domains. Despite the real-world challenges that Canadian youth may experience, they prove to be resilient, hopeful and aware of the opportunities ahead.

      Release date: 2018-12-19

    • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201800154982

      Harassment in the workplace can come in a variety of forms, with the potential for far-reaching effects on the health and well-being of workers, as well as on their job tenure, job stability and job satisfaction. Using data from 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home (GSS), this study focuses on workplace harassment experienced by respondents at some point in the past year. The target population includes those who were aged 15 to 64 and worked for pay in the past year.

      Release date: 2018-12-17

    • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2018412

      This study assesses job quality in Canada using an internationally inspired multidimensional framework that covers six broad aspects: income and benefits, career prospects, work intensity, working-time quality, skills and discretion, and social environment. The analysis uses the 2016 General Social Survey, which collected a rich set of information on working conditions in Canada.

      Release date: 2018-12-10

    • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201800154977

      This study uses the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home to provide a recent assessment of the life satisfaction of seniors in Canada. It includes information on overall life satisfaction, as well as information on nine domains of life satisfaction: standard of living; health; current achievement in life; personal relationships; feeling part of the community; time available to do desired things; and quality of local environment. The paper also explores the factors associated with life satisfaction, and examines several measures of resilience among Canadian seniors.

      Release date: 2018-08-02

    • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018010

      The purpose of the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home is to explore the lifestyle behaviour of Canadians at work and at home. The section on creative activities and hobbies, in the infographic, highlights the proportion of Canadians who actively participate in these activities, the most popular creative pursuits and the characteristics of people who take part in these activities.

      Release date: 2018-06-05

    • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018005

      The purpose of the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home is to explore the lifestyle behaviour of Canadians at work and at home. The section on outdoor and wilderness activities, in the infographic, highlights the proportion of Canadians who participate in these activities, the most popular outdoor pursuits and the relationship between health and involvement in outdoor activities.

      Release date: 2018-03-26

    • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018002

      The purpose of the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home is to explore the lifestyle behaviour of Canadians. The section on Nutritional awareness explores how aware Canadians are of the nutritional information on packaged food. This infographics also looks at the socio-economic characteristics of those who consult this type of information, how often they do so and for those who do not use them, the reasons for not doing so.

      Release date: 2018-02-21
    Data (0)

    Data (0) (0 results)

    No content available at this time.

    Analysis (7)

    Analysis (7) ((7 results))

    • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018055

      Both in school and in the work place, youth in Canada are hopeful for the future but aware of the obstacles that lay ahead. This infographic uses data from the 2016 Canadians at Work and Home Survey to capture some ways in which youth experience and navigate these domains. Despite the real-world challenges that Canadian youth may experience, they prove to be resilient, hopeful and aware of the opportunities ahead.

      Release date: 2018-12-19

    • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201800154982

      Harassment in the workplace can come in a variety of forms, with the potential for far-reaching effects on the health and well-being of workers, as well as on their job tenure, job stability and job satisfaction. Using data from 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home (GSS), this study focuses on workplace harassment experienced by respondents at some point in the past year. The target population includes those who were aged 15 to 64 and worked for pay in the past year.

      Release date: 2018-12-17

    • Articles and reports: 11F0019M2018412

      This study assesses job quality in Canada using an internationally inspired multidimensional framework that covers six broad aspects: income and benefits, career prospects, work intensity, working-time quality, skills and discretion, and social environment. The analysis uses the 2016 General Social Survey, which collected a rich set of information on working conditions in Canada.

      Release date: 2018-12-10

    • Articles and reports: 75-006-X201800154977

      This study uses the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home to provide a recent assessment of the life satisfaction of seniors in Canada. It includes information on overall life satisfaction, as well as information on nine domains of life satisfaction: standard of living; health; current achievement in life; personal relationships; feeling part of the community; time available to do desired things; and quality of local environment. The paper also explores the factors associated with life satisfaction, and examines several measures of resilience among Canadian seniors.

      Release date: 2018-08-02

    • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018010

      The purpose of the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home is to explore the lifestyle behaviour of Canadians at work and at home. The section on creative activities and hobbies, in the infographic, highlights the proportion of Canadians who actively participate in these activities, the most popular creative pursuits and the characteristics of people who take part in these activities.

      Release date: 2018-06-05

    • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018005

      The purpose of the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home is to explore the lifestyle behaviour of Canadians at work and at home. The section on outdoor and wilderness activities, in the infographic, highlights the proportion of Canadians who participate in these activities, the most popular outdoor pursuits and the relationship between health and involvement in outdoor activities.

      Release date: 2018-03-26

    • Stats in brief: 11-627-M2018002

      The purpose of the 2016 General Social Survey on Canadians at Work and Home is to explore the lifestyle behaviour of Canadians. The section on Nutritional awareness explores how aware Canadians are of the nutritional information on packaged food. This infographics also looks at the socio-economic characteristics of those who consult this type of information, how often they do so and for those who do not use them, the reasons for not doing so.

      Release date: 2018-02-21
    Reference (0)

    Reference (0) (0 results)

    No content available at this time.

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