Making time for creative activitiesFootnote 1

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Release date: June 5, 2018
Infographic: Making time for creative activities
Description: Making time for creative activities

Overall, half of Canadians participated in creative activities

Number of creative activities

  • 34% in 1
  • 9% in 2
  • 7% in 3 or more

More than half of women pursue creative activities

  • Female - 54%
  • Male - 45%

Nearly half of paid employees participated in creative activities

  • Self-employed - 46%
  • Paid employee - 48%
  • Not in labour force - 52%

Creative activities Canadians enjoy

  • Crafts - 18%
  • Making music – 15%
  • Visual arts – 13%
  • Writing – 11%
  • Dancing – 9%
  • Audio-visual and interactive media – 4%
  • Theatre – 1%
  • Other – 5%


Footnote 1

Includes individuals aged 15 and over who participated in creative activities. Source: General Social Survey (Canadians at Work and Home), 2016

Return to footnote 1 referrer

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