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All (26)
All (26) (0 to 10 of 26 results)
- Articles and reports: 11F0027M2014095Description:
This paper examines the investment performance of Canada and the United States, exploring similarities and differences in investments in fixed assets over the 1990-to-2011 period. This is a period when the two countries experienced different shocks. The United States suffered from a major decline in its housing markets after 2007 that did not hit Canada. The world-resource boom in the post-2000 period had a greater impact on Canada than it did on the United States. The Canada–United States exchange rate appreciated dramatically after 2003 thereby making imported machinery and equipment relatively less expensive in Canada.
The comparison is primarily based on investment intensity, measured as the ratio of nominal dollar investment to nominal gross domestic product (GDP), but rates of growth of the volume of investment relative to the volume of GDP are also compared.
Release date: 2014-10-21 - Articles and reports: 11-626-X2014037Description:
This Economic Insights article looks closely at Canadian enterprises that employ individuals in more than one province or territory. It studies the share of business sector enterprises, and the employment accounted for by these multi-jurisdiction enterprises, both over time and across industries. It also examines the regional mix of these enterprises, and asks if most of them are Canadian controlled.
Release date: 2014-09-05 - Articles and reports: 11-626-X2014038Description:
This article in the Economic Insights series describes the results of a data linkage project that created experimental long-term estimates of firm entry and exit rates for the Canadian business sector. It is part of a series of papers that examines firm dynamics using micro-economic data.
Release date: 2014-08-25 - Stats in brief: 11-629-X2015021Description:
This short tutorial will show you some basics on how to find business data on the Statistics Canada website, and how to put it to work so you can get the answers you need.
Release date: 2014-07-23 - Table: 56-207-XDescription:
This publication provides national and regional financial and operating statistics for the conventional and pay and specialty television broadcasting industries, including air time sales, programming expenses and employment statistics.
Release date: 2014-07-07 - Table: 56-208-XDescription:
This publication provides national and regional financial and operating statistics for the radio broadcasting industry including air time sales, programming expenses and employment statistics. Selected statistics are available for large metropolitan areas, by language of broadcast and type of broadcaster (AM and FM).
Release date: 2014-06-23 - 7. The Distribution of Employment Growth Rates in Canada: The Role of High-Growth and Rapidly Shrinking Firms ArchivedArticles and reports: 11F0027M2014091Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper uses data from Statistics Canada's Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program database to study the distribution of annual employment growth rates in Canada over the 2000-to-2009 period, with a special emphasis on firms in the tails of the distribution, referred to here as High-Growth Firms (HGFs) and Rapidly Shrinking Firms (RSFs).
The study has three objectives. First, it describes the distributions of employment growth rates in Canada to see whether they are consistent with observations in other countries. Second, it quantifies the contribution of HGFs and RSFs to aggregate job creation and destruction. The third objective is to examine, using quantile regression techniques, the role of firm size and firm age in the performance of HGFs and RSFs.
Release date: 2014-05-15 - Articles and reports: 11F0027M2014092Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
Using data from the Provincial KLEMS database, this paper asks whether provincial economies have undergone structural change in their business sectors since 2000. It does so by applying a measure of industrial change (the dissimilarity index) using measures of output (real GDP) and hours worked. The paper also develops a statistical methodology to test whether the shifts in the industrial composition of output and hours worked over the period are due to random year-over-year changes in industrial structure or long-term systematic change in the structure of provincial economies. The paper is designed to inform discussion and analysis of recent changes in industrial composition at the national level, notably, the decline in manufacturing output and the concomitant rise of resource industries, and the implications of this change for provincial economies.
Release date: 2014-05-07 - 9. Software Development and Computer Services ArchivedTable: 63-255-XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the software development and computer services. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-31
- 10. Engineering Services ArchivedTable: 63-258-XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the engineering services industry. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-28
Data (19)
Data (19) (0 to 10 of 19 results)
- Table: 56-207-XDescription:
This publication provides national and regional financial and operating statistics for the conventional and pay and specialty television broadcasting industries, including air time sales, programming expenses and employment statistics.
Release date: 2014-07-07 - Table: 56-208-XDescription:
This publication provides national and regional financial and operating statistics for the radio broadcasting industry including air time sales, programming expenses and employment statistics. Selected statistics are available for large metropolitan areas, by language of broadcast and type of broadcaster (AM and FM).
Release date: 2014-06-23 - 3. Software Development and Computer Services ArchivedTable: 63-255-XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the software development and computer services. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-31
- 4. Engineering Services ArchivedTable: 63-258-XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the engineering services industry. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-28
- Table: 87F0003XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the performing arts industry. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-27
- Table: 87F0004XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the book publishing industry. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-20
- 7. Traveller Accommodation Services ArchivedTable: 63-253-XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the travel accommodation services industry. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-18
- Table: 63-246-XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the spectator sports, event promoters, artists and related industries. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-12
- 9. Consulting Services ArchivedTable: 63-259-XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the consulting services industry. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-12
- 10. Employment Services ArchivedTable: 63-252-XDescription: This product provides an overview of trends in the employment services industry. It provides users with information required for making corporate decisions, monitoring programs and reviewing policies. The tables focus on financial and operating data.Release date: 2014-03-04
Analysis (7)
Analysis (7) ((7 results))
- Articles and reports: 11F0027M2014095Description:
This paper examines the investment performance of Canada and the United States, exploring similarities and differences in investments in fixed assets over the 1990-to-2011 period. This is a period when the two countries experienced different shocks. The United States suffered from a major decline in its housing markets after 2007 that did not hit Canada. The world-resource boom in the post-2000 period had a greater impact on Canada than it did on the United States. The Canada–United States exchange rate appreciated dramatically after 2003 thereby making imported machinery and equipment relatively less expensive in Canada.
The comparison is primarily based on investment intensity, measured as the ratio of nominal dollar investment to nominal gross domestic product (GDP), but rates of growth of the volume of investment relative to the volume of GDP are also compared.
Release date: 2014-10-21 - Articles and reports: 11-626-X2014037Description:
This Economic Insights article looks closely at Canadian enterprises that employ individuals in more than one province or territory. It studies the share of business sector enterprises, and the employment accounted for by these multi-jurisdiction enterprises, both over time and across industries. It also examines the regional mix of these enterprises, and asks if most of them are Canadian controlled.
Release date: 2014-09-05 - Articles and reports: 11-626-X2014038Description:
This article in the Economic Insights series describes the results of a data linkage project that created experimental long-term estimates of firm entry and exit rates for the Canadian business sector. It is part of a series of papers that examines firm dynamics using micro-economic data.
Release date: 2014-08-25 - Stats in brief: 11-629-X2015021Description:
This short tutorial will show you some basics on how to find business data on the Statistics Canada website, and how to put it to work so you can get the answers you need.
Release date: 2014-07-23 - 5. The Distribution of Employment Growth Rates in Canada: The Role of High-Growth and Rapidly Shrinking Firms ArchivedArticles and reports: 11F0027M2014091Geography: CanadaDescription:
This paper uses data from Statistics Canada's Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program database to study the distribution of annual employment growth rates in Canada over the 2000-to-2009 period, with a special emphasis on firms in the tails of the distribution, referred to here as High-Growth Firms (HGFs) and Rapidly Shrinking Firms (RSFs).
The study has three objectives. First, it describes the distributions of employment growth rates in Canada to see whether they are consistent with observations in other countries. Second, it quantifies the contribution of HGFs and RSFs to aggregate job creation and destruction. The third objective is to examine, using quantile regression techniques, the role of firm size and firm age in the performance of HGFs and RSFs.
Release date: 2014-05-15 - Articles and reports: 11F0027M2014092Geography: Province or territoryDescription:
Using data from the Provincial KLEMS database, this paper asks whether provincial economies have undergone structural change in their business sectors since 2000. It does so by applying a measure of industrial change (the dissimilarity index) using measures of output (real GDP) and hours worked. The paper also develops a statistical methodology to test whether the shifts in the industrial composition of output and hours worked over the period are due to random year-over-year changes in industrial structure or long-term systematic change in the structure of provincial economies. The paper is designed to inform discussion and analysis of recent changes in industrial composition at the national level, notably, the decline in manufacturing output and the concomitant rise of resource industries, and the implications of this change for provincial economies.
Release date: 2014-05-07 - Articles and reports: 15-206-X2014033Description:
This paper examines and compares labour productivity in Canada and the United States for small and large firms over the period from 2002 to 2008. It quantifies the relative importance of small and large firms in Canada and the United States and measures the relative productivity levels of small versus large firms.
Small firms are relatively more important in the Canadian economy. Small firms are less productive than large firms in both countries. But the productivity disadvantage of small relative to large firms was higher in Canada.
The paper provides an estimate of the impact that these differences have on the gap in productivity levels between Canada and the United States. It first estimates the changes that would occur in Canadian aggregate labour productivity if the share of hours worked of large firms in Canada was increased to the U.S. level. It then quantifies the impact of increasing the relative productivity of small to large firms in Canada up to the relative productivity ratio of small firms to large firms that existed in the United States.
Together, decreasing the relative importance of small firms in the economy and increasing their relative productivity compared to large firms accounts for most of the gap in productivity levels between Canada and the United States in 2002. However, changes in the economy that occurred between 2002 and 2008 reduced the contribution of the small-firm sector to the gap in productivity levels.
Release date: 2014-01-08
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