Immigration and language in Canada, 2011 and 2016 - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 89-657-X2019001


This document presents a descriptive analysis of recent and established immigrants in Canada, in Canada outside Quebec, in each province and territory, and in the six largest census metropolitan areas (CMAs) in the country, by certain linguistic characteristics and by their main countries of birth. This analysis comprises five sections. The first section presents statistics on immigrants' first official language spoken. The second and third sections respectively address immigrants' mother tongue and the language spoken most often at home. The fourth section provides statistics on their knowledge of the official languages (English and French) by mother tongue of the immigrant population. Lastly, the fifth section explores the main countries of birth of immigrants.

Issue Number: 2019001
Author(s): Chavez, Brigitte
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJanuary 28, 2019
PDFJanuary 28, 2019