Inuit language indicators for Inuit children under the age of six in Canada - ARCHIVED

Stats in brief: 89-643-X201000111278


This fact sheet provides a language profile of Inuit children under the age of six in Canada. The 2006 Aboriginal Children's Survey is used to provide broad indicators of young Inuit children's experiences with the Inuit language. Data include the ability to speak and understand the Inuit language and the extent to which Inuit children are exposed to the language at home and in the community. Family characteristics associated with Inuit language learning are presented. Finally, the hopes and expectations of parents regarding their children's acquisition of the Inuit language are described. Data are provided at the Canada level with some breakdowns for Inuit regions.

Issue Number: 2010001
Author(s): Bougie, Evelyne; Cloutier, Elisabeth; Tait, Heather
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJune 18, 2010
PDFJune 18, 2010