Women and the Criminal Justice System - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 89-503-X201500114785


This chapter of Women in Canada explores the criminal victimization of women and girls as well as their involvement in the criminal justice system as offenders. It covers the types of criminal victimization experienced by females over time; where possible, highlighting important differences in violent crime by Aboriginal identity, immigrant status, visible minority status and age. The use of formal and informal support services is explored, including changes over time in the use of police services. This chapter also reports trends in the number and types of crimes committed by females, along with their involvement in the criminal courts and correctional systems.

Issue Number: 2015001
Author(s): Hobson, Heather; Hotton, Tina; Jacob, Joanna
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJune 6, 2017
  • Correction: June 21, 2017

    On June 21, 2017, a correction was made in the article "Women and the Criminal Justice System ", in the first paragraph of the sub-section entitled “Immigrant women report lower rates of violent victimization.” Non-immigrant women reported 42 incidents of sexual victimization per 1,000 population, not 43 incidents as was originally stated.

PDFJune 6, 2017
  • Correction: June 21, 2017

    On June 21, 2017, a correction was made in the article "Women and the Criminal Justice System ", in the first paragraph of the sub-section entitled “Immigrant women report lower rates of violent victimization.” Non-immigrant women reported 42 incidents of sexual victimization per 1,000 population, not 43 incidents as was originally stated.