Towards the Development of a National Data Collection Framework to Measure Trafficking in Persons - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 85-561-M2010021


While trafficking in persons has become a worldwide concern, current data collection activities reveal that data are limited in scope, incomparable and insufficient to ascertain the true extent of the problem in Canada. This study was conducted by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and funded by Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada to examine the feasibility of developing a national data collection framework to measure trafficking in persons in Canada. Consultations were undertaken with key stakeholders from provincial and federal government departments, the police community, non-government organizations and academics. This report identifies a number of data collection and research strategies that could contribute to a better understanding of the nature and scope of human trafficking in Canada.

Issue Number: 2010021
Author(s): Ogrodnik, Lucie
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJune 10, 2010
PDFJune 10, 2010