Police-reported sexual assaults in Canada before and after #MeToo, 2016 and 2017 - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 85-002-X201800154979


This Juristat article analyses changes in the volume and characteristics of sexual assaults reported to and substantiated by police before and after the #MeToo movement went viral on social media. Using 2016 and 2017 crime records provided by police, analysis by month of reporting to police is undertaken to provide a more granular understanding of how the widespread #MeToo movement impacted police-reported sexual assaults in Canada. Changes in volume of reported sexual assaults after #MeToo are also analyzed by geographical factors, including by province or territory, urban and rural areas, and location type of the sexual assault. The age and sex profiles of victims, their assailants, and the relationship between them is also explored to measure shifts after #MeToo. Historical sexual assaults reported following #MeToo are also discussed.

Issue Number: 2018001
Author(s): Rotenberg, Cristine; Cotter, Adam

Main Product: Juristat

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLNovember 8, 2018
PDFNovember 8, 2018