Profiles of burnout and work engagement in a public service organization: Nature, drivers, and outcomes

Articles and reports: 82-003-X202301200001

Description: Research in organizational psychology, occupational health, and other disciplines in the social sciences has established the importance of employee psychological health for organizations, irrespective of their sector or size. This study assesses employee psychological health, a wide range of workplace psychosocial factors as predictors of employee psychological health, and several individual and organizational outcomes of employee psychological health in a Canadian public service organization during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Issue Number: 2023012
Author(s): Houle, Simon; Blais, Ann-Renée; Tóth-Király, István; Howell, Glen T.

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLDecember 20, 2023
PDFDecember 20, 2023