Daily accelerometer-measured physical activity patterns and associations with cardiometabolic health among Canadian working adults

Articles and reports: 82-003-X202300300002

Description: Previous studies examining the cardiometabolic risks associated with physical activity (PA) in workers have predominantly used self-reported measures. Little is known about workers’ distinct daily PA patterns and whether these are linked with cardiometabolic risks. This study examined associations between patterns of workers’ accelerometer-measured daily PA and four markers of cardiometabolic health. Furthermore, the study examined similarities and differences between younger compared to middle-aged and older workers, and between men and women, to understand whether these groups are associated with different cardiometabolic risks.
Issue Number: 2023003
Author(s): Biswas, Aviroop; Chen, Cynthia; Prince, Stephanie A.; Smith, Peter M.; Mustard, Cameron

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLMarch 15, 2023
PDFMarch 15, 2023