Measuring progress in cancer survival across Canadian provinces: Extending the cancer survival index to further evaluate cancer control efforts

Articles and reports: 82-003-X202200600002


An evaluation of progress in cancer survival in Canada for all cancer types combined was recently conducted using the cancer survival index. This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of provincial-level progress in cancer survival for all cancer types combined in Canada.

Issue Number: 2022006
Author(s): Ellison, Larry F.

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJune 15, 2022
  • Correction: June 16, 2022

    In the article “Measuring progress in cancer survival across Canadian provinces: Extending the cancer survival index to further evaluate cancer control efforts” published on June 15, 2022, an error was found in Table 2. The following correction has been made: In Table 2 , row titles under “Males” section, the provinces of New Brunswick, British Columbia and Manitoba were reversed. In Table 2 , row titles under “Females” section, the provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick were reversed.

PDFJune 15, 2022
  • Correction: June 16, 2022

    In the article “Measuring progress in cancer survival across Canadian provinces: Extending the cancer survival index to further evaluate cancer control efforts” published on June 15, 2022, an error was found in Table 2. The following correction has been made: In Table 2 , row titles under “Males” section, the provinces of New Brunswick, British Columbia and Manitoba were reversed. In Table 2 , row titles under “Females” section, the provinces of Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick were reversed.

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Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
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