A healthy outlook - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 82-003-X19950042817


The sense of coherence a healthy outlook can be thought of as a mesure of positive health, that is, a factor promoting resilience which enables and individual to remain healthy. Based on National Population Health Survey (NPHS) data, three health measures were analyzed in relation to sense of coherence. The sense of coherence accounted for a substancial proportion of the total variance for two of the three measures. Theoretically, people with a healthy outlook are more able to cope successfully with trauma and stress. According to NPHS data, on average, those who reported at least one traumatic event had a lower sense of coherence than those who did not. For people who experienced trauma during childhood and young adulthood, yet had strong sense of coherence, the impact of that trauma on their health was diminished.

Issue Number: 1995004
Author(s): Beaudet, Marie P.; Catlin, Gary; Hood, Sheila C.

Main Product: Health Reports

FormatRelease dateMore information
PDFApril 2, 1996