A profile of workers in the homelessness support sector, 2021

Articles and reports: 75F0002M2023006

Description: This study aims to profile workers in the homelessness support sector using data from the 2021 and 2016 censuses. The homelessness support sector is defined by combining specific occupations and industry of employment to identify individuals who work in jobs that provide services to families and individuals who face homelessness. The study profiles these individuals by geography, age, sex, family status, educational attainment, indigenous identity and visible minority status. The study also addresses their earnings and poverty status.
Issue Number: 2023006
Frequency: Occasional
Author(s): Hu, Zheren; Randle, Jeff; Duchesne, Annie; Ng, Rhi-Ann; McNamee, David
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HTMLMay 10, 2023
PDFMay 10, 2023