The post-2001 productivity growth divergence between Canada and the United States: The role of the information and cultural services industry

Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202301200006

Description: Canada and the United States share a deep economic relationship that contributes to most measures of their economic performances having a tight common trend over the long term. However, a notable exception is the increasing disparity in labour productivity growth between the two nations. This article summarizes recent research by Statistics Canada, focusing on the information and cultural services industry and how its competitive intensity relative to the United States has influenced the Canada-U.S. labour productivity growth gap since 2001.
Issue Number: 2023012
Volume: 3
Author(s): Gu, Wulong; Willox, Michael
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLDecember 21, 2023
PDFDecember 21, 2023