Do aging baby boomers work more than earlier generations?

Articles and reports: 36-28-0001202200400001


Baby boomers are on average living longer and healthier, and thus are capable of working more years than earlier generations. The feasibility of working in older ages is further improved as the economic structure continues to shift from manufacturing to the service sector and knowledge-based employment that provide jobs with less physical strain. Whether retirement-age baby boomers will have a higher level of labour force participation (LFP) than earlier generations will have a large impact on their economic well-being and on the overall labour supply in Canada within a decade or so. Using the Labour Force Survey (LFS) between January 1976 and December 2021, this article compares baby boomers and earlier generations in LFP.

Issue Number: 2022004
Author(s): Lu, Yuqian; Hou, Feng
FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLApril 28, 2022
PDFApril 28, 2022