Hog Statistics
Tables: 23-010-X
This publication contains data on the hog industry: inventory on farms, supply and disposition, farm production, inventory by farm type and prices.
This product has been discontinued as of August 2012. The latest issue of this publication was Hog Statistics, Second Quarter 2012. Data tables are available through CANSIM (free); 003-0004, 003-0028, 003-0087 to 003-0089, 003-0092 and 003-0093 at http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/cansim/home-accueil?lang=eng&p2=50 and in the Summary tables section (free).
Status: Discontinued
Frequency: Quarterly
Replaced by:
- Hogs, sheep and lambs, farm and meat production
- Cattle and calves statistics, number of farms reporting and average number of cattle and calves per farm
- Hogs statistics, number of hogs on farms at end of semi-annual period
- Hogs statistics, sows farrowed, pigs born and sows bred to farrow, semi-annual
- Hogs statistics, supply and disposition of hogs, semi-annual
- Hogs statistics, number of farms reporting and average number of hogs per farm, semi-annual
- Hogs and pigs statistics, inventory number by class and semi-annual period, United States and Canada
- Hogs and pigs statistics, inventory number by class and semi-annual period, United States
Available formats: HTML (discontinued), PDF (discontinued)
Related information
Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
Related products
- Tables: Cattle Statistics
- Tables: Livestock Feed Requirements Study
- Tables: Sheep Statistics
- Tables: Statistics on Income of Farm Families
- Tables: Statistics on Income of Farm Operators
- Tables: Statistics on Revenues and Expenses of Farms
- Tables: Stocks of Frozen and Chilled Meats
- Stats in brief: Hog inventories April 1, 2012
Subjects and keywords
- Date modified: