Analysis on labour challenges in Canada, second quarter of 2022 - ARCHIVED

Stats in brief: 11-621-M2022011


Signs of a tightening labour market in Canada have been growing amid elevated labour demand. Based on the results from the Canadian Survey of Business Conditions, this article provides insights on labour related challenges faced by businesses across Canada and how these businesses plan to move forward in light of these challenges. Shortage of labour force, recruiting skilled employees, and retaining skilled employees are leading obstacles businesses expect to face in the short term. In response to these challenges, many businesses plan to have management and current employees to work more hours to address these labour obstacles.

Issue Number: 2022011
Author(s): Sood, Shivani; Tam, Stephanie; Johnston, Chris; Li, Bernard; Fair, Robert

Main Product: Analysis in Brief

FormatRelease dateMore information
HTMLJune 23, 2022
PDFJune 23, 2022