The National Routing System: Administrative data collection in real-time - ARCHIVED

Articles and reports: 11-522-X200800011009


The National Routing System is a multi-jurisdictional effort to improve the collection and validation of birth and death information from provincial vital event registries. Instead of having to wait for batch files to be sent at various points during the year, provinces send individual records as an event is registered. Timeliness is further enhanced by the adoption of data and technical standards. Data users no longer have to deal with multiple data formats and transfer media when compiling data from multiple sources. Similarly, data providers need to perform a once only transformation of their data in order to satisfy multiple clients.

Issue Number: 2008000
Author(s): Menic, John
FormatRelease dateMore information
CD-ROMDecember 3, 2009
PDFDecember 3, 2009