Chart 3
Proportion of employees who reported ever experiencing inappropriate sexualized behaviours, discriminatory behaviours or sexual assault in the workplace, by gender and age group, Canada

Total, all people Age 15 to 24 Age 25 to 34 Age 35 to 44 Age 45 to 54 Age 55 and older 0 20 40 60 80 % Men - inappropriate sexualized behavioursMen - inappropriate sexualized behaviours Men - discriminatory behavioursMen - discriminatory behaviours Men - sexual assaultMen - sexual assault Women - inappropriate sexualized behavioursWomen - inappropriate sexualized behaviours Women - discriminatory behavioursWomen - discriminatory behaviours Women - sexual assaultWomen - sexual assault
too unreliable to be published; refers to sexual assault experiences among men aged 15 to 24.
2020 Survey on Sexual Misconduct at Work (5290).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Proportion of employees who reported ever experiencing inappropriate sexualized behaviours, discriminatory behaviours or sexual assault in the workplace, by gender and age group, Canada , %
  Men - inappropriate sexualized behaviours Men - discriminatory behaviours Men - sexual assault Women - inappropriate sexualized behaviours Women - discriminatory behaviours Women - sexual assault
Total, all people 29 9 3 44 20 13
Age 15 to 24 27 12 F 48 25 7
Age 25 to 34 37 13 5 57 27 16
Age 35 to 44 34 11 3 41 20 12
Age 45 to 54 28 8 3 42 18 12
Age 55 and older 24 6 2 39 16 15
too unreliable to be published; refers to sexual assault experiences among men aged 15 to 24.
2020 Survey on Sexual Misconduct at Work (5290).
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