Chart 4
Households in Southern Ontario most likely to report difficulty meeting financial needs

bar stacked chart&8211;Chart4,
The 20 largest census metropolitan areas sorted from highest to lowest by proportion of households reporting difficulty meeting financial needs.
Labour Force Survey Supplement (3701), custom tabulation.

Chart description

This is a bar stacked chart.

Households in Southern Ontario most likely to report difficulty meeting financial needs, %
  Difficult Very difficult
St. Catharines–Niagara 26.8 15.0
Windsor 26.7 14.3
Kitchener–Cambridge–Waterloo 26.8 13.9
Toronto 25.9 12.2
Hamilton 27.0 10.6
Calgary 26.7 9.8
London 22.2 14.0
Oshawa 21.9 13.3
Saskatoon 26.7 7.8
Edmonton 23.0 11.4
Halifax 26.6 7.3
Regina 27.6 5.5
Canada, average 23.8 9.3
Ottawa 25.8 6.7
Winnipeg 22.3 9.3
Victoria 20.4 10.3
Vancouver 24.3 5.8
Montréal 20.9 7.0
Gatineau 19.1 7.8
Kelowna 17.5 9.2
Québec 15.6 4.9
The 20 largest census metropolitan areas sorted from highest to lowest by proportion of households reporting difficulty meeting financial needs.
Labour Force Survey Supplement (3701), custom tabulation.
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