Chart 1
Manufacturing sales

billions of dollars 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Apr. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Apr. 2023 Current dollarsCurrent dollars Trend-cycle (current dollars)Trend-cycle (current dollars) 2017 constant dollars2017 constant dollars Trend-cycle (2017 constant dollars)Trend-cycle (2017 constant dollars)
Data are seasonally adjusted. The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the three previous months. For more information, see the Note to readers.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Manufacturing sales, billions of dollars
  Current dollars Trend-cycle (current dollars) 2017 constant dollars Trend-cycle (2017 constant dollars)
April 2018 56.545 57.140 54.890 55.242
May 2018 57.231 57.514 55.089 55.309
June 2018 58.708 57.925 55.777 55.432
July 2018 58.492 58.137 55.748 55.462
August 2018 58.104 58.177 55.362 55.461
September 2018 57.921 58.085 55.147 55.467
October 2018 58.502 57.895 55.759 55.470
November 2018 57.568 57.606 55.423 55.448
December 2018 56.805 57.443 55.100 55.509
January 2019 57.469 57.490 56.189 55.679
February 2019 56.939 57.593 55.330 55.839
March 2019 57.852 57.812 55.889 56.072
April 2019 58.175 58.000 56.123 56.274
May 2019 59.682 58.134 57.626 56.475
June 2019 57.673 58.047 56.311 56.506
July 2019 56.943 57.905 55.997 56.459
August 2019 57.910 57.728 56.564 56.335
September 2019 57.832 57.711 56.386 56.302
October 2019 57.378 57.920 55.963 56.455
November 2019 57.094 57.449 55.564 55.997
December 2019 57.157 56.168 55.431 54.829
January 2020 56.170 54.134 54.907 53.066
February 2020 56.740 51.418 55.742 50.751
March 2020 49.794 48.541 49.575 48.301
April 2020 36.135 46.458 36.918 46.555
May 2020 40.697 46.144 41.333 46.397
June 2020 49.426 47.377 49.755 47.604
July 2020 52.907 49.441 52.911 49.477
August 2020 52.780 51.500 52.399 51.250
September 2020 54.284 53.374 53.386 52.737
October 2020 54.604 54.757 53.533 53.665
November 2020 54.187 55.358 53.097 53.716
December 2020 55.337 55.784 53.315 53.400
January 2021 57.193 56.516 54.042 53.211
February 2021 56.839 57.257 52.297 52.916
March 2021 59.150 57.964 53.805 52.593
April 2021 58.031 58.534 51.456 52.191
May 2021 58.419 59.027 50.873 51.846
June 2021 60.309 59.500 52.199 51.655
July 2021 59.932 60.045 51.608 51.694
August 2021 61.031 60.638 52.476 51.855
September 2021 59.812 61.340 50.573 52.104
October 2021 62.305 62.477 52.351 52.692
November 2021 64.416 63.824 54.159 53.326
December 2021 65.543 65.450 54.805 53.991
January 2022 65.304 67.223 53.149 54.555
February 2022 69.452 69.100 55.523 55.137
March 2022 71.638 70.715 55.873 55.557
April 2022 73.484 71.745 56.872 55.729
May 2022 72.715 72.194 55.113 55.646
June 2022 72.508 72.280 55.369 55.544
July 2022 71.867 71.945 55.635 55.306
August 2022 70.648 71.619 54.973 55.076
September 2022 70.487 71.510 54.834 54.983
October 2022 72.057 71.580 54.527 54.998
November 2022 72.277 71.887 55.151 55.336
December 2022 71.179 72.112 54.875 55.655
January 2023 74.327 72.329 57.440 56.037
February 2023 71.563 72.385 55.971 56.343
March 2023 72.125 72.393 56.661 56.612
April 2023 72.307 72.261 57.121 56.782
Data are seasonally adjusted. The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the three previous months. For more information, see the Note to readers.
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