Chart 2
Immunization coverage by vaccine for children aged 2 years by population group, Canada, 2021

Hepatitis B (South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino)¹ Varicella Meningococcal C Pneumococcal Rotavirus (Chinese, Black, Filipino)² 0 20 40 60 80 100 % Non-Indigenous and non-racialized peopleNon-Indigenous and non-racialized people South AsianSouth Asian ChineseChinese BlackBlack FilipinoFilipino Other Racialized groupsOther Racialized groups
too unreliable to be published
Estimates do not meet quality/confidentiality standards - conclusions based on these data will be unreliable, and may be invalid, and have been suppressed.
Estimates and confidence intervals are of marginal quality due to high sampling variability, and should be used with caution.
Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey, 2021 (5185).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Immunization coverage by vaccine for children aged 2 years by population group, Canada, 2021, %
  Non-Indigenous and non-racialized people South Asian Chinese Black Filipino Other Racialized groups
Hepatitis B (South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino)¹ 82.2 F F F F 78.4
Varicella 87.6 89.3 93.6 83.5 95.0 83.6
Meningococcal C 90.1 93.4 92.6 88.1 93.9 90.6
Pneumococcal 85.5 86.8 88.8 73.1 97.4 81.6
Rotavirus (Chinese, Black, Filipino)² 85.6 90.9 85.3 69.0 92.7 89.2
too unreliable to be published
Estimates do not meet quality/confidentiality standards - conclusions based on these data will be unreliable, and may be invalid, and have been suppressed.
Estimates and confidence intervals are of marginal quality due to high sampling variability, and should be used with caution.
Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey, 2021 (5185).
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