Chart 1
Federal spending by science and technology component, 2013/2014 to 2023/2024

line chart&8211;Chart1, from 2013/2014 to 2023/2024

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Federal spending by science and technology component, 2013/2014 to 2023/2024, millions of dollars
  Total, science and technology Research and development Related scientific activities
2013/2014 10,670 6,978 3,692
2014/2015 10,265 6,758 3,506
2015/2016 10,441 6,620 3,821
2016/2017 11,427 7,092 4,335
2017/2018 12,054 7,742 4,312
2018/2019 12,259 7,554 4,705
2019/2020 12,815 7,807 5,009
2020/2021 14,610 9,313 5,297
2021/2022 15,001 8,729 6,272
2022/2023 15,567 8,937 6,630
2023/2024 15,066 8,894 6,172
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