Chart 1
Current account balances

billions of dollars -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 IV 2017 I II 2018 III IV I II 2019 III IV I II 2020 III IV I II 2021 III IV I II 2022 III IV GoodsGoods ServicesServices TotalTotal Primary and secondary incomePrimary and secondary income
Data are seasonally adjusted.

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

Current account balances, billions of dollars
  Goods Services Total Primary and secondary income
Fourth quarter 2017 -7.242 -5.665 -15.637 -2.730
First quarter 2018 -7.431 -5.246 -15.056 -2.379
Second quarter 2018 -4.202 -5.684 -12.566 -2.681
Third quarter 2018 -1.093 -5.713 -9.192 -2.386
Fourth quarter 2018 -9.080 -5.127 -16.327 -2.120
First quarter 2019 -9.573 -4.778 -17.476 -3.126
Second quarter 2019 -2.687 -3.390 -6.523 -0.446
Third quarter 2019 -4.113 -2.653 -12.648 -5.882
Fourth quarter 2019 -2.425 -4.300 -8.536 -1.811
First quarter 2020 -9.865 -8.758 -18.662 -0.039
Second quarter 2020 -10.613 -0.274 -7.685 3.202
Third quarter 2020 -10.713 -0.157 -13.261 -2.391
Fourth quarter 2020 -9.067 -0.054 -7.969 1.153
First quarter 2021 1.267 -0.780 -0.209 -0.697
Second quarter 2021 -0.582 -0.948 -2.371 -0.841
Third quarter 2021 1.453 -1.953 -3.852 -3.351
Fourth quarter 2021 2.558 -2.056 -0.317 -0.819
First quarter 2022 8.190 -2.642 2.738 -2.810
Second quarter 2022 9.666 -4.413 5.489 0.236
Third quarter 2022 2.474 -5.635 -8.413 -5.251
Fourth quarter 2022 1.672 -4.453 -10.640 -7.859
Data are seasonally adjusted.
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