Infographic 1
More families are landlords in 2020

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Infographic description

The title of the infographic is "More families are landlords in 2020"

This is a bar and line combo chart with one horizontal axis and two vertical axes.

The horizontal axis represents the year and goes from 2000 to 2020, with increments of 1.

There are two series. The first series represents the proportion of families with rental income. The second series represents the median family net rental income.

The vertical axis on the left represents the proportion of families with rental income. This vertical axis starts at 6.4% and goes to 8.0%, with increments of 0.2%.

The vertical axis on the right represents the median family net rental income. This vertical axis starts at 0 dollars and goes to 3,000 dollars, with increments of 500 dollars.

In 2000, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.4% and their median rental net income was $790.

In 2001, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.5% and their median rental net income was $900.

In 2002, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.5% and their median rental net income was $1,150.

In 2003, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.3% and their median rental net income was $1,120.

In 2004, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.2% and their median rental net income was $1,130.

In 2005, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.1% and their median rental net income was $1,100.

In 2006, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.0% and their median rental net income was $870.

In 2007, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.0% and their median rental net income was $800.

In 2008, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.0% and their median rental net income was $740.

In 2009, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.1% and their median rental net income was $1,290.

In 2010, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.2% and their median rental net income was $1,330.

In 2011, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.3% and their median rental net income was $1,310.

In 2012, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.4% and their median rental net income was $1,600.

In 2013, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.5% and their median rental net income was $1,790.

In 2014, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.6% and their median rental net income was $1,910.

In 2015, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.7% and their median rental net income was $2,110.

In 2016, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.8% and their median rental net income was $2,340.

In 2017, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.9% and their median rental net income was $2,490.

In 2018, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.9% and their median rental net income was $2,510.

In 2019, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.9% and their median rental net income was $2,500.

In 2020, the proportion of families with rental income was 7.9% and their median rental net income was $2,750.

Note: Amounts are expressed in constant dollars.

Source: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File) (4105), custom tabulation.

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