Chart 7
International merchandise trade balance

millions of current dollars -15,000 -10,000 -5,000 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 Aug. 2019 2020 2021 June 2022 Total trade balanceTotal trade balance Trade balance with the United StatesTrade balance with the United States Trade balance with countries other than the United StatesTrade balance with countries other than the United States
Data are on a balance-of-payments basis and are seasonally adjusted.

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

International merchandise trade balance, millions of current dollars
  Total trade balance Trade balance with the United States Trade balance with countries other than the United States
August 2019 -1,633 4,482 -6,115
September 2019 -874 4,694 -5,568
October 2019 -1,514 4,627 -6,141
November 2019 -637 4,380 -5,017
December 2019 -166 5,394 -5,559
January 2020 -2,861 2,699 -5,560
February 2020 -2,810 2,644 -5,455
March 2020 -4,636 781 -5,417
April 2020 -5,500 592 -6,091
May 2020 -1,780 1,631 -3,410
June 2020 -2,110 2,528 -4,638
July 2020 -3,234 2,086 -5,320
August 2020 -3,533 2,790 -6,323
September 2020 -3,752 1,944 -5,696
October 2020 -4,121 2,816 -6,937
November 2020 -3,401 2,472 -5,874
December 2020 -2,088 2,670 -4,758
January 2021 1,260 5,961 -4,701
February 2021 1,401 7,175 -5,774
March 2021 -2,000 4,115 -6,115
April 2021 -33 6,235 -6,267
May 2021 -2,103 5,802 -7,906
June 2021 1,896 7,488 -5,592
July 2021 102 6,525 -6,422
August 2021 841 7,734 -6,892
September 2021 732 8,052 -7,320
October 2021 1,656 8,350 -6,695
November 2021 2,237 9,288 -7,051
December 2021 -1,448 7,078 -8,526
January 2022 3,336 9,966 -6,630
February 2022 2,837 10,853 -8,016
March 2022 2,007 11,820 -9,813
April 2022 1,942 12,547 -10,606
May 2022 4,769 13,598 -8,829
June 2022 5,046 13,208 -8,162
Data are on a balance-of-payments basis and are seasonally adjusted.
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