Chart 1
Wholesale sales decrease in April

billions of dollars 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Apr. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Apr. 2022 Current dollarsCurrent dollars Trend cycle (current dollars)Trend cycle (current dollars) Chained (2012) dollarsChained (2012) dollars Trend cycle (2012 chained dollars)Trend cycle (2012 chained dollars)
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated on the chart, with a dotted line for the current reference month and the previous three months. For more information, see the Note to readers.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Wholesale sales decrease in April, billions of dollars
  Current dollars Trend cycle (current dollars) Chained (2012) dollars Trend cycle (2012 chained dollars)
April 2017 59.727 59.719 55.771 55.844
May 2017 60.352 60.046 56.011 55.930
June 2017 60.393 60.317 55.908 56.022
July 2017 60.584 60.609 56.108 56.228
August 2017 60.828 60.899 56.301 56.488
September 2017 60.525 61.148 56.255 56.739
October 2017 61.547 61.438 57.427 57.021
November 2017 62.360 61.642 57.827 57.164
December 2017 62.207 61.799 57.694 57.222
January 2018 61.698 61.914 56.870 57.203
February 2018 61.239 62.023 56.290 57.175
March 2018 62.317 62.245 57.390 57.258
April 2018 62.068 62.427 57.090 57.327
May 2018 63.556 62.664 58.373 57.462
June 2018 62.885 62.823 57.343 57.511
July 2018 62.850 62.922 57.417 57.515
August 2018 62.910 62.939 57.510 57.422
September 2018 62.518 62.881 57.136 57.262
October 2018 63.270 62.813 57.487 57.106
November 2018 62.715 62.755 56.744 56.993
December 2018 62.867 62.787 56.871 57.024
January 2019 62.620 62.816 56.848 57.096
February 2019 62.369 63.010 56.996 57.365
March 2019 63.146 63.262 57.699 57.690
April 2019 64.295 63.555 58.605 58.028
May 2019 63.672 63.861 58.206 58.348
June 2019 63.873 63.991 58.358 58.479
July 2019 64.676 64.005 59.303 58.481
August 2019 63.685 63.895 58.026 58.349
September 2019 64.254 63.760 58.580 58.231
October 2019 63.413 63.977 57.864 58.435
November 2019 62.316 63.917 57.073 58.408
December 2019 63.494 63.199 57.958 57.763
January 2020 64.261 62.240 58.799 56.897
February 2020 64.689 60.832 59.246 55.623
March 2020 62.597 59.235 57.143 54.162
April 2020 49.020 58.182 44.876 53.199
May 2020 52.410 58.498 47.664 53.467
June 2020 62.630 60.050 57.370 54.867
July 2020 65.200 62.207 59.626 56.780
August 2020 65.863 64.217 60.227 58.523
September 2020 66.466 65.862 60.311 59.855
October 2020 66.879 67.090 60.417 60.759
November 2020 67.281 67.508 60.727 60.863
December 2020 66.829 67.827 60.202 60.779
January 2021 68.792 68.594 61.272 60.997
February 2021 68.399 69.440 60.217 61.206
March 2021 71.065 70.323 62.198 61.419
April 2021 71.607 70.984 61.955 61.413
May 2021 72.588 71.450 62.050 61.245
June 2021 71.953 71.753 60.853 60.974
July 2021 71.004 72.071 59.967 60.788
August 2021 71.728 72.711 60.222 60.867
September 2021 72.759 73.690 60.466 61.206
October 2021 75.030 75.041 61.707 61.807
November 2021 77.299 76.597 63.213 62.431
December 2021 78.092 77.936 63.470 62.905
January 2022 79.794 78.948 63.762 63.136
February 2022 79.758 79.578 63.172 63.118
March 2022 80.228 79.952 62.527 62.987
April 2022 79.817 80.080 62.170 62.751
The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated on the chart, with a dotted line for the current reference month and the previous three months. For more information, see the Note to readers.
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