Chart 2
Rate of firearm-related homicides, Canada, 1999 to 2020

rate per 100,000 population 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019
A homicide is classified as firearm-related when the weapon used to cause death is a firearm. Firearms include handguns, rifles or shotguns, fully automatic firearms, firearm-like weapons (e.g., nail guns or pellet guns) and firearms of an unknown type. Populations are based upon July 1, 2020 estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Homicide Survey (3315).

Chart description

This is a column clustered chart.

Rate of firearm-related homicides, Canada, 1999 to 2020
  rate per 100,000 population
1999 0.55
2000 0.60
2001 0.55
2002 0.49
2003 0.52
2004 0.54
2005 0.69
2006 0.59
2007 0.57
2008 0.60
2009 0.54
2010 0.51
2011 0.46
2012 0.49
2013 0.38
2014 0.44
2015 0.50
2016 0.62
2017 0.73
2018 0.68
2019 0.70
2020 0.73
A homicide is classified as firearm-related when the weapon used to cause death is a firearm. Firearms include handguns, rifles or shotguns, fully automatic firearms, firearm-like weapons (e.g., nail guns or pellet guns) and firearms of an unknown type. Populations are based upon July 1, 2020 estimates from Statistics Canada, Centre for Demography.
Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Homicide Survey (3315).
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