Chart 2
Percentage of workers who worked from home, by education level, April 2020 to June 2021

Less than high school High school Trades certificates or diplomas Postsecondary education below bachelor's degree Bachelor's degree Above bachelor's degree 0 20 40 60 80 % Could work from homeCould work from home Actually worked from homeActually worked from home
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey (3701).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Percentage of workers who worked from home, by education level, April 2020 to June 2021, %
  Could work from home Actually worked from home
Less than high school 13.5 7.3
High school 25.4 14.0
Trades certificates or diplomas 19.3 11.8
Postsecondary education below bachelor's degree 40.7 26.5
Bachelor's degree 60.1 47.7
Above bachelor's degree 67.1 57.9
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey (3701).
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