Chart 1
Manufacturing sales

billions of dollars 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Apr. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Apr. 2021 Current dollarsCurrent dollars Trend-cycle (current dollars)Trend-cycle (current dollars) 2012 constant dollars2012 constant dollars Trend-cycle (2012 constant dollars)Trend-cycle (2012 constant dollars)
Data are seasonally adjusted. The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the three previous months. For more information, see the note to readers.

Chart description

This is a line chart.

Manufacturing sales, billions of dollars
  Current dollars Trend-cycle (current dollars) 2012 constant dollars Trend-cycle (2012 constant dollars)
April 2016 50.434 50.423 49.781 49.014
May 2016 49.918 50.463 48.560 48.971
June 2016 50.739 50.604 48.672 48.968
July 2016 51.047 50.860 49.016 49.062
August 2016 51.495 51.291 49.760 49.310
September 2016 51.581 51.677 49.484 49.547
October 2016 51.658 52.090 49.145 49.830
November 2016 52.253 52.561 49.986 50.205
December 2016 53.540 53.044 51.159 50.578
January 2017 53.912 53.499 51.359 50.861
February 2017 53.666 53.809 51.088 51.020
March 2017 53.755 54.015 50.572 51.126
April 2017 54.364 54.129 51.241 51.235
May 2017 54.775 54.058 51.739 51.251
June 2017 54.068 53.939 51.179 51.277
July 2017 53.039 53.921 50.960 51.405
August 2017 53.837 53.988 51.565 51.541
September 2017 54.064 54.190 52.066 51.714
October 2017 54.033 54.558 51.272 51.897
November 2017 55.804 54.981 52.552 52.064
December 2017 55.764 55.373 52.497 52.180
January 2018 54.999 55.749 51.745 52.239
February 2018 56.351 56.135 52.585 52.240
March 2018 56.977 56.561 52.658 52.257
April 2018 56.203 56.971 51.558 52.292
May 2018 56.887 57.413 52.161 52.385
June 2018 58.637 57.877 52.644 52.575
July 2018 58.992 58.118 52.987 52.726
August 2018 57.970 58.102 52.876 52.779
September 2018 57.712 57.877 52.962 52.753
October 2018 58.252 57.576 53.141 52.666
November 2018 57.030 57.207 52.243 52.501
December 2018 56.201 56.957 51.730 52.403
January 2019 56.822 57.020 52.480 52.481
February 2019 56.285 57.263 52.286 52.651
March 2019 58.256 57.640 53.367 52.914
April 2019 58.160 57.959 52.992 53.160
May 2019 59.180 58.205 53.788 53.397
June 2019 58.267 58.170 53.623 53.480
July 2019 57.440 57.978 53.204 53.440
August 2019 57.753 57.676 53.549 53.290
September 2019 57.364 57.426 53.180 53.187
October 2019 57.070 57.483 52.977 53.306
November 2019 56.389 56.920 52.278 52.845
December 2019 56.357 55.565 52.109 51.711
January 2020 55.655 53.612 51.893 50.111
February 2020 55.783 51.091 52.546 48.040
March 2020 50.390 48.454 47.334 45.858
April 2020 36.335 46.551 35.188 44.315
May 2020 40.562 46.367 39.352 44.246
June 2020 49.948 47.626 47.623 45.400
July 2020 53.621 49.624 50.615 47.130
August 2020 52.720 51.514 49.731 48.710
September 2020 53.796 53.161 50.548 49.996
October 2020 53.980 54.383 50.426 50.761
November 2020 53.844 54.923 50.265 50.677
December 2020 54.635 55.278 50.316 50.363
January 2021 56.575 55.866 50.998 50.249
February 2021 56.081 56.451 49.278 50.119
March 2021 58.314 56.916 50.724 49.996
April 2021 57.095 57.237 49.060 49.821
Data are seasonally adjusted. The higher variability associated with the trend-cycle estimates is indicated with a dotted line on the chart for the current reference month and the three previous months. For more information, see the note to readers.
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