Infographic 1
Trends in the number of donors and total value of donations (current dollars), Canada

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Infographic description

The title of the infographic is "Trends in the number of donors and total value of donations (current dollars), Canada"

This is a linear chart with two y axes.

The y axis on the left represents the rising or falling number of donors. This y axis starts at 5,100,000 and goes to 5,800,000, with increments of 100,000.

The y axis on the right represents the rising or falling total donations. This y axis starts at 7,000,000,000 dollars and goes to 10,500,000,000 dollars, with increments of 500,000,000 dollars.

The x axis represents the year and goes from 2009 to 2019, with increments of 1.

There are two series. The first series represents the change in numbers of donors. The second series represents the change in total donations.

Both series start in the year 2009 and go to 2019.

At period 2009, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,616,340, while the second series (total donations) is at 7,750,405,000 dollars.

At period 2010, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,742,000, while the second series (total donations) is at 8,253,210,000 dollars.

At period 2011, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,709,700, while the second series (total donations) is at 8,465,375,000 dollars.

At period 2012, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,631,420, while the second series (total donations) is at 8,308,585,000 dollars.

At period 2013, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,573,460, while the second series (total donations) is at 8,600,755,000 dollars.

At period 2014, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,543,740, while the second series (total donations) is at 8,797,115,000 dollars.

At period 2015, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,495,900, while the second series (total donations) is at 9,132,170,000 dollars.

At period 2016, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,397,060, while the second series (total donations) is at 8,888,325,000 dollars.

At period 2017, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,348,220, while the second series (total donations) is at 9,576,975,000 dollars.

At period 2018, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,324,280, while the second series (total donations) is at 9,952,505,000 dollars.

At period 2019, the first series (number of donors) is at 5,164,900, while the second series (total donations) is at 10,309,315,000 dollars.

Source: Table 11-10-0130-01.

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