Chart 1
Services balances

billions of dollars -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 All servicesAll services Travel servicesTravel services Commercial servicesCommercial services Transportation and government servicesTransportation and government services

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

Services balances, billions of dollars
  All services Travel services Commercial services Transportation and government services
2010 -22.061 -14.478 1.424 -9.007
2011 -21.450 -16.004 4.376 -9.822
2012 -21.992 -17.013 4.508 -9.487
2013 -22.570 -17.430 4.142 -9.283
2014 -23.641 -17.768 3.594 -9.466
2015 -25.315 -17.228 2.430 -10.517
2016 -22.728 -13.399 1.067 -10.395
2017 -22.429 -12.565 1.304 -11.169
2018 -22.365 -9.858 1.304 -13.811
2019 -21.510 -10.310 2.462 -13.662
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