Chart 7
International merchandise trade balance

millions of current dollars -8,000 -6,000 -4,000 -2,000 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 Aug. 2017 2018 2019 June 2020 Total trade balanceTotal trade balance Trade balance with the United StatesTrade balance with the United States Trade balance with countries other than the United StatesTrade balance with countries other than the United States
Data are on a balance of payments basis and are seasonally adjusted.

Chart description

This is a combined line chart.

International merchandise trade balance, millions of current dollars
  Total trade balance Trade balance with the United States Trade balance with countries other than the United States
August 2017 -3,004 2,654 -5,658
September 2017 -3,217 2,277 -5,494
October 2017 -1,682 3,472 -5,154
November 2017 -2,887 3,234 -6,121
December 2017 -2,781 3,494 -6,275
January 2018 -1,739 3,172 -4,911
February 2018 -2,042 3,026 -5,068
March 2018 -3,374 2,210 -5,584
April 2018 -1,591 3,938 -5,529
May 2018 -2,967 2,981 -5,948
June 2018 -642 3,957 -4,600
July 2018 -394 5,199 -5,593
August 2018 -428 5,127 -5,555
September 2018 -1,029 4,431 -5,460
October 2018 -809 3,796 -4,605
November 2018 -2,163 2,256 -4,419
December 2018 -4,953 1,600 -6,553
January 2019 -3,746 2,302 -6,048
February 2019 -3,353 3,380 -6,733
March 2019 -2,198 4,556 -6,754
April 2019 -1,332 4,019 -5,351
May 2019 128 5,321 -5,193
June 2019 -858 4,866 -5,724
July 2019 -1,457 4,176 -5,633
August 2019 -1,426 4,524 -5,950
September 2019 -1,294 4,267 -5,561
October 2019 -1,557 4,905 -6,462
November 2019 -596 4,369 -4,965
December 2019 -753 4,705 -5,458
January 2020 -2,128 3,105 -5,233
February 2020 -1,696 3,428 -5,124
March 2020 -4,574 780 -5,354
April 2020 -4,853 404 -5,257
May 2020 -1,328 1,938 -3,266
June 2020 -3,189 1,095 -4,283
Data are on a balance of payments basis and are seasonally adjusted.
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