Chart 5
Among youth and young adults, returning students facing toughest job market

Non-students: 15-24 years Non-students: 20-24 years Non-students: 17-19 years Full-time returning students: 15-24 years Full-time returning students: 20-24 years Full-time returning students: 17-19 years -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 year-over-year variation (thousands)
The data are not seasonally adjusted.
Table 14-10-0286-01 (formerly CANSIM table 282-0006).

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Among youth and young adults, returning students facing toughest job market
  year-over-year variation (thousands)
Non-students: 15-24 years -190.2
Non-students: 20-24 years -151.3
Non-students: 17-19 years -40.9
Full-time returning students: 15-24 years -277.1
Full-time returning students: 20-24 years -157.7
Full-time returning students: 17-19 years -92.6
The data are not seasonally adjusted.
Table 14-10-0286-01 (formerly CANSIM table 282-0006).
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