Chart 4
Employment in accommodation and food services now at two-thirds of what it was in February

Wholesale trade Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing Public administration Utilities Health care and social assistance Natural resources Professional, scientific and technical services Business and building services Educational services Manufacturing Agriculture Construction Retail trade Transportation and warehousing Other services Information, culture and recreation Accommodation and food services 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 employment index (February 2020=100) April employment compared to FebruaryApril employment compared to February June employment compared to FebruaryJune employment compared to February
Employment is expressed as a proportion of February employment.
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Employment in accommodation and food services now at two-thirds of what it was in February, employment index (February 2020=100)
  April employment compared to February June employment compared to February
Wholesale trade 89.5 100.5
Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing 96.4 99.0
Public administration 97.5 97.8
Utilities 96.2 97.1
Health care and social assistance 90.9 95.8
Natural resources 92.6 95.4
Professional, scientific and technical services 95.3 95.0
Business and building services 87.6 93.0
Educational services 88.5 92.6
Manufacturing 82.7 91.9
Agriculture 92.7 91.4
Construction 78.8 89.3
Retail trade 77.2 88.7
Transportation and warehousing 86.1 88.0
Other services 77.3 84.4
Information, culture and recreation 76.2 83.1
Accommodation and food services 50.0 66.7
Employment is expressed as a proportion of February employment.
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey.
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