Chart 3
Employment increases in all provinces in June but remains below February levels

New Brunswick Manitoba Saskatchewan Quebec Nova Scotia Newfoundland and Labrador Prince Edward Island Canada British Columbia Alberta Ontario 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 employment index (February 2020=100) April employment compared to FebruaryApril employment compared to February June employment compared to FebruaryJune employment compared to February
Employment is expressed as a proportion of February employment.
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Employment increases in all provinces in June but remains below February levels, employment index (February 2020=100)
  April employment compared to February June employment compared to February
New Brunswick 86.3 97.1
Manitoba 86.5 92.8
Saskatchewan 87.3 92.6
Quebec 81.3 92.2
Nova Scotia 84.0 92.0
Newfoundland and Labrador 84.3 91.5
Prince Edward Island 86.0 91.3
Canada 84.3 90.8
British Columbia 84.4 90.7
Alberta 84.5 89.7
Ontario 85.5 89.7
Employment is expressed as a proportion of February employment.
Statistics Canada, Labour Force Survey.
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