Table 1 
Police-reported hate crimes, by detailed motivation, Canada, 2016, 2017 and 2018 

Police-reported hate crimes, by detailed motivation, Canada, 2016, 2017 and 2018
Number – 2016% – 2016Number – 2017% – 2017Number – 2018% – 2018
Total 1,409 100 2,073 100 1,798 100
Race or ethnicity 666 48 878 43 780 44
Black 214 15 321 16 283 16
East or Southeast Asian 61 4 61 3 56 3
South Asian 72 5 67 3 75 4
Arab or  West Asian 112 8 142 7 111 6
Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) 30 2 31 2 35 2
White 36 3 46 2 37 2
Other race or ethnicity1 125 9 169 8 159 9
Race or ethnicity not specified 16 1 41 2 24 1
Religion 460 33 842 41 639 36
Jewish 221 16 360 18 347 20
Muslim 139 10 349 17 173 10
Catholic 27 2 39 2 35 2
Other religion2 37 3 57 3 46 3
Religion not specified 36 3 37 2 38 2
Sexual orientation 176 13 204 10 173 10
Other motivation3 88 6 117 6 171 10
Motivation unknown 19 ... 32 ... 35 ...
not applicable
Information in this table reflects data reported by police services covering 99.95% of the population of Canada. Percentages have been calculated excluding hate crimes where the motivation was unknown. Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding.
Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice and Community Safety Statistics, Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (3302).
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