Chart 2
Year-over-year change by industry (second quarter 2019 compared with second quarter 2018)

Manufacturing Food Beverage and tobacco products Textile mills Textile product mills Clothing Leather and allied products Wood products Paper Printing and related support activities Petroleum and coal products Chemical products Plastic and rubber products Non-metallic mineral products Primary metal Fabricated metal products Machinery Computer and electronic products Electrical equipment, appliances and components Transportation equipment Furniture and related products Miscellaneous -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 percentage points

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Year-over-year change by industry (second quarter 2019 compared with second quarter 2018)
  percentage points
Manufacturing -1.4
Food -5.3
Beverage and tobacco products -0.5
Textile mills -1.9
Textile product mills 0.3
Clothing 16.0
Leather and allied products -7.6
Wood products -6.6
Paper -2.2
Printing and related support activities -0.9
Petroleum and coal products 7.7
Chemical products -5.3
Plastic and rubber products -3.2
Non-metallic mineral products 0.5
Primary metal -4.3
Fabricated metal products 4.9
Machinery 3.6
Computer and electronic products -1.7
Electrical equipment, appliances and components -8.1
Transportation equipment -2.7
Furniture and related products -1.8
Miscellaneous 1.9
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