Chart 4
Share of owner-occupied residential properties for selected property types

Single-detached house Condominium apartment Semi-detached house Row house 0 20 40 60 80 100 % Nova ScotiaNova Scotia OntarioOntario British ColumbiaBritish Columbia
Chart does not include properties with multi-residential units and unspecified property types.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Share of owner-occupied residential properties for selected property types, %
  Nova Scotia Ontario British Columbia
Single-detached house 68.4 82.7 77.2
Condominium apartment 57.3 57.3 58.7
Semi-detached house 73.1 83.6 73.1
Row house 71.9 79.3 80.1
Chart does not include properties with multi-residential units and unspecified property types.
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