Chart 4
Median above-grade living area of residential property types, Nova Scotia, Ontario and British Columbia

Nova Scotia Ontario British Columbia 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 square feet Single-detached houseSingle-detached house Semi-detached houseSemi-detached house Row houseRow house Condominium apartmentCondominium apartment
Data on the living area of condominium apartments in Nova Scotia are not currently available.

Chart description

This is a bar clustered chart.

Median above-grade living area of residential property types, Nova Scotia, Ontario and British Columbia, square feet
  Single-detached house Semi-detached house Row house Condominium apartment
Nova Scotia 1,150 1,170 1,410 0
Ontario 1,520 1,340 1,350 862
British Columbia 1,430 1,270 1,330 876
Data on the living area of condominium apartments in Nova Scotia are not currently available.
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